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RoaminRonin13 t1_j2e2yia wrote

Are there images anywhere? I looked around a bit and couldn’t quickly find anything.

I know this sub is overrun by “NIMBYs bad, blindly build housing everywhere” types, but I really don’t know how people are so full-throated in their support of this project at its original 100 units without seeing the renderings and plans. It might be fine, and it might also be a travesty.

The answer to Boston’s housing woes isn’t to just let developers build whatever they want on every lot they can find. Projects should be contextual, and increased density (meaning things like 100 unit condo buildings, not simply any kind of multi family) should probably be reserved for certain parts of each neighborhood. Parking (less so “traffic”) should also not be dismissed, as in a neighborhood like Dot I think it’s safe to assume a decent chunk of these people will have cars - not 100%, but not zero either. We can argue about whether or not people should need them, but can’t ignore the reality that plenty of people have a vehicle.

Regardless, I don’t see how we can be out here making an informed decision based on this less then substantial write up by the Globe. Renderings and drawings or we don’t know what we’re talking about.


ImpressiveEffect8212 t1_j2e4k3z wrote

> increased density should probably be reserved for certain parts of each neighborhood

Hmmm…you mean like across the street from a subway station next to a school with different/out of place architecture relative to the rest of this neighborhood?

Gee, that sounds a lot like, idk, this project lol


RoaminRonin13 t1_j2e69w6 wrote

And so maybe this project should be built - I didn’t say it shouldn’t be.

Do you know the area? And have you seen the project proposal? I haven’t seen the proposed building, so I’m reserving judgment - since the average person on this sub couldn’t even find this neighborhood other than on a Red Line map, I’m not sure we’re dealing with informed opinions. Everyone’s just screaming “NIMBYs bad” for fake internet points.


Nobel6skull t1_j2e4qfp wrote

Removed wrong project.

Here the letter of intent for the 140 / 150 center st project which seams to be the only thing public right now. And here is the Boston plans link for the project. Still just a letter of intent right now. So hopefully they plan to build something pretty.


RoaminRonin13 t1_j2e569u wrote

That’s in Mattapan.

Edit: One of these projects in Mattapan by the Fairmount line is under construction, off Morton Street. Looks like a lot of units going in, I’m curious to see how it turns out.

I’d also suggest, with no disrespect meant, that not knowing where these projects even are should give people pause in having such energetic opinions.


Nobel6skull t1_j2e90kr wrote

No one here has anything that could accurately be described as energetic opinions. I mistook the plans because the opposition to the 140/150 center st project comes from the “Codman square association” according to the globe and the first link was submitted by the Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation thus the confusion and why it’s always import to tripple check which obviously I didn’t.