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zz23ke t1_j1w4f7a wrote

There's no one there brah!?


N8710 t1_j1w7egw wrote

I can’t see anyone


Byedon110320 t1_j1wavxa wrote

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


2020Hills t1_j1wfu8h wrote

I saw just take the picture down. Best case scenario, it’s a picture of a guy you don’t know. Worst case scenario, it’s a picture of a guy you don’t know.


SparkDBowles t1_j1wlqnc wrote

He’s from Newburyport, so maybe visiting family?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1wnm55 wrote

There must be some mistake. You sent a blank photo. Try IMGUR for hosting or something?


Lumpy_Reaction_5351 t1_j1wnv6q wrote

Definitely, he's a local. His dad married my two friends, may have brought up his son once or twice 😃


Quincyperson t1_j1wotav wrote

It might be him. And even if it isn’t, just tell people it is.


Bismarck395 t1_j1wxwrf wrote

What are you talking about I can't see anybody except the blury man at the bottom of the picture ???


GregzillaKillah t1_j1zdn8u wrote

I didn’t see anything but can confirm he was shopping at Alexander McQueen in the Prudential.


lcdmilknails t1_j1zhsi3 wrote

at least as of a few years ago he had an apartment in the fenway area


Ok_Fact4397 t1_j1zjfe7 wrote

Could be John Cena. But I can also name twenty other dudes in my town who look like that


LaydenAvGud t1_j20607o wrote

Yes he has a reservation at the resturants my friend works ar last night. Gotta be him.


NightWalk77 t1_j20ex7g wrote

Well it does resemble him and he is from that area. So could possibly be him. Did you take the pic? if affirmative why didn't didn't just ask him?


Dickson_001 OP t1_j20jdt7 wrote

“Sent by a friend on Newbury” so no. I didn’t take the picture. I would’ve definitely done that if I were there. My friend sent me a picture, and asked who it was. I thought it was Cena, but wasn’t sure, so I posted in the sub since other people were probably on Newbury at the same time. My bad if this comes across as crass NightWalk, but really didn’t mean for this post to get into an opinion forum over celebrity etiquette.


GalDebored t1_j22dtwy wrote

"If you see John Cena, you GTFO! He's taking souls with him!"


TrainFan t1_j2a6ojm wrote

Yeah, that's him all right.

Source: It came to me in a dream.