Submitted by Dickson_001 t3_zwq33n in boston
Pizza_4_Dinner t1_j1w4mnv wrote
Strange I see some /r/potatosalad
No_Judge_3817 t1_j1w4vrx wrote
That's Keytar Bear out of costume
Cardiff___Giant t1_j1w5fq8 wrote
That’s Mark Walhberg
Bumbleclat t1_j1w5xdm wrote
Matt Affleck
N8710 t1_j1w7egw wrote
I can’t see anyone
Byedon110320 t1_j1wavxa wrote
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
willzyx01 t1_j1wb10h wrote
I don’t see anyone
No-Garlic-2664 t1_j1wcsmg wrote
Patient_Estimate3284 t1_j1wenvt wrote
Ben Damon
2020Hills t1_j1wfu8h wrote
I saw just take the picture down. Best case scenario, it’s a picture of a guy you don’t know. Worst case scenario, it’s a picture of a guy you don’t know.
bostonaliens t1_j1whd9y wrote
SparkDBowles t1_j1wlqnc wrote
He’s from Newburyport, so maybe visiting family?
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1wnm55 wrote
There must be some mistake. You sent a blank photo. Try IMGUR for hosting or something?
Lumpy_Reaction_5351 t1_j1wnv6q wrote
Definitely, he's a local. His dad married my two friends, may have brought up his son once or twice 😃
Quincyperson t1_j1wotav wrote
It might be him. And even if it isn’t, just tell people it is.
MarquisJames t1_j1wpi81 wrote
That's 100% John Cena.
[deleted] t1_j1wse0i wrote
Cardiff___Giant t1_j1wuni9 wrote
I just realized this would’ve been funnier if I said, that’s Mark Wahlburger
No_Presentation1242 t1_j1wwnl8 wrote
Came here expecting this to be the top comment and did not disappoint
Bismarck395 t1_j1wxwrf wrote
What are you talking about I can't see anybody except the blury man at the bottom of the picture ???
relaks t1_j1wy785 wrote
Polygamy is illegal!
LivingLifeIn80HD t1_j1x3r6n wrote
kauisbdvfs t1_j1x5ufk wrote
I mean, it looks just like him.
potus1001 t1_j1xa4ov wrote
West Newbury.
Dickson_001 OP t1_j1xah8k wrote
Ok thanks
AutomatedSaltShaker t1_j1xbpmj wrote
Who cares
Dickson_001 OP t1_j1xcnl7 wrote
The person who sent it to me
SparkDBowles t1_j1xe0ur wrote
Derp. Yeah.
AutomatedSaltShaker t1_j1xex2k wrote
Next time? Tell them to send better pictures…
troccolins t1_j1xkh95 wrote
Fake story; you don't have friends.
hamakabi t1_j1xkm4v wrote
no, this is creepy
Dickson_001 OP t1_j1xvtxv wrote
Want me to make that request out to you or AutomatedSaltShaker?
Trimere t1_j1xwsr9 wrote
Are you sure about that?
AutomatedSaltShaker t1_j1xxj1k wrote
Infinite-Prize-1199 t1_j1xy7u5 wrote
Looks just like him!
Efficient_Coat7264 t1_j1yc2ac wrote
His mom lives in west newbury so yeah that's probably him
nullibicity t1_j1yj7tm wrote
No one does.
Neuroticperiscope t1_j1yx9t7 wrote
Guess the admin team got here and took the photo down?
AutoModerator t1_j1yx9u5 wrote
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TrulyLimitless t1_j1yxodl wrote
EducationalElevator t1_j1yzb68 wrote
Nah I get it. John Krasinski sat with some friends at the table next to me at a hotel restaurant and I def snapped a creeper pic.
Id_Solomon t1_j1z3w38 wrote
Cold world.
booknerdcoffeeaddict t1_j1z8b9k wrote
That is indeed him.
GregzillaKillah t1_j1zdn8u wrote
I didn’t see anything but can confirm he was shopping at Alexander McQueen in the Prudential.
clamsumbo t1_j1ze7gn wrote
Conan Nimoy
Less_travel416 t1_j1zhewi wrote
That’s Ernest
Lumpy_Reaction_5351 t1_j1zhqul wrote
Don't yuk their yum!
lcdmilknails t1_j1zhsi3 wrote
at least as of a few years ago he had an apartment in the fenway area
yo_soy_soja t1_j1zio8s wrote
"Study finds Boston to be among the loneliest cities in the US"
(Just pretend that the article isn't really about gentrification.)
Simon_Jester88 t1_j1zipat wrote
I can't see a John Cena name tag so maybe.
Ok_Fact4397 t1_j1zjfe7 wrote
Could be John Cena. But I can also name twenty other dudes in my town who look like that
n8loller t1_j1zjqx7 wrote
What do you mean? There's a guy behind the railing wearing glasses
n8loller t1_j1zjy69 wrote
You were so close
TumsFestivalEveryDay t1_j1zk5uh wrote
Why you gotta be so weird man
chickadeedadee2185 t1_j1zm7o8 wrote
Newbury St.or Newbury, MA?
chickadeedadee2185 t1_j1zmh30 wrote
At #30. How lonely is that? Study was pretty stupid.
random-dude1234 t1_j1zrxhp wrote
That's clearly the hash slinging slasher
TheLadyButtPimple t1_j1zu7gu wrote
These comments are chaos lol
Ok_Wealth_7711 t1_j1zwptz wrote
Right? Like that's obviously Clark Kent, standing alone
n8loller t1_j1zym7d wrote
I mean, yeah, he's obviously there alone. IDK why you feel like you have to point that out
geffe71 t1_j203q6g wrote
Damn I can’t do the GIF
LaydenAvGud t1_j20607o wrote
Yes he has a reservation at the resturants my friend works ar last night. Gotta be him.
SharpCookie232 t1_j20cdj6 wrote
Kinda looks like Mitt Romney.
NightWalk77 t1_j20ex7g wrote
Well it does resemble him and he is from that area. So could possibly be him. Did you take the pic? if affirmative why didn't didn't just ask him?
Dickson_001 OP t1_j20jdt7 wrote
“Sent by a friend on Newbury” so no. I didn’t take the picture. I would’ve definitely done that if I were there. My friend sent me a picture, and asked who it was. I thought it was Cena, but wasn’t sure, so I posted in the sub since other people were probably on Newbury at the same time. My bad if this comes across as crass NightWalk, but really didn’t mean for this post to get into an opinion forum over celebrity etiquette.
HebrewHammer14 t1_j20mc9w wrote
Can’t see him
mamabee_blogger t1_j20mep8 wrote
HebrewHammer14 t1_j20miol wrote
Looks like a jacked Ernest
DramaticT0FU t1_j20tl1t wrote
Yes, the guy in the glasses is John Cena.
Lumpy_Reaction_5351 t1_j20vtrp wrote
Not like the ones I had when I was 12... Jesus does anyone?
[deleted] t1_j217wsx wrote
GalDebored t1_j22dtwy wrote
"If you see John Cena, you GTFO! He's taking souls with him!"
derp_status t1_j22osy3 wrote
TrainFan t1_j2a6ojm wrote
Yeah, that's him all right.
Source: It came to me in a dream.
zz23ke t1_j1w4f7a wrote
There's no one there brah!?