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davewritescode t1_j2e0goo wrote

One thing that blew my mind in the days before GPS is that a lot of towns in New England don’t have street signs that tell you what street you’re currently on, just the street you’re crossing.

Not that it matters anyway. I found out the hard way that Tremont street in Mission Hill doesn’t in fact lead you back to the back bay, it randomly hooks turns left at Roxbury Crossing with no signage.

Also, I’ve lived on 2 completely unconnected Tremont Streets in Boston.

Don’t get me started on south street in Roslindale


abhikavi t1_j2e7a7s wrote

Oh man the pre-GPS days were a challenge. Good luck finding a street where Elm and Bolton are on the left, followed by Oak on the right. Especially when you were so lost you didn't know what town you were in.