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meatfrappe t1_j6d13rn wrote

FUN FACT: If this forecast holds, the daytime temperatures Boston this weekend will be roughly same as those on Mars, specifically Gale Crater where the Curiosity rover is operating.


BlisterTom2 t1_j6d8ppk wrote

I also hear there's less traffic up there and rent is much much lower, but the social life sucks.


bucs2013 t1_j6dduy7 wrote

Why is nothing open past midnight on Mars?!?


CoolAbdul t1_j6dffol wrote

Seriously, what if you need emergency Pedialyte? I tell ya, Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids.


meatfrappe t1_j6dguzk wrote

Some places are open 24 hours, but it's really inconvenient if you show up during the 37 minutes they're closed.


JasonDJ t1_j6en7th wrote

Commute times are about the same as coming from Braintree though.


thomascgalvin t1_j6dryxl wrote

Less traffic, but the commute still sucks, and it's pretty much all tech bros up there.


KittensWithChickens t1_j6dmpbb wrote

It’s becoming too gentrified there


rubicon11 t1_j6du6js wrote

When those yuppie Greeshnaks started moving in, bringing their hot zzzzllxxy studios and artisanal free-range latte stores to the neighborhood, it’s not as gritty or coarse as it used to be. Multi family cave prices shot up all over. Real shame.


es_price t1_j6fpuwr wrote

Where do the young professionals hang out?


joelman0 t1_j6dl7fo wrote

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? The food is great but there's no atmosphere.


MonsieurReynard t1_j6eykb9 wrote

Mars can be quite nice. It's the damn Martians though...they make us Massholes look downright civil.


Jealous-Molasses5372 t1_j6d1n00 wrote

I mean... The lows in Boston would be similar to the highs on Mars.


meatfrappe t1_j6d2bi4 wrote

No, the highs will be similar to the highs. If you click the link you'll see that Mars' highs have been 10° F to 5° F over the last few days.


Jealous-Molasses5372 t1_j6d2j8w wrote

But the low is -105⁰F on Mars.


meatfrappe t1_j6d38jw wrote

Right. Which is why I am comparing the daytime temperatures (highs) at each location. I am not talking about the lows.