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imustachelemeaning t1_j58vwha wrote

we have good mexican, run by mexicans and goods bbq run by geniuses. we just don’t post it or talk about it because we like to eat there unencumbered. source: former manager at a mexican restaurant where ex mexican presidents dine when they visit boston and former bartender at a bbq place where we don’t talk about it. bostonians rarely talk about things they truly love. we don’t ruin our places.


thehuntforrednov OP t1_j5a3n94 wrote

I didn't realize I had posted in r/gatekeeping! Thanks for the info.


imustachelemeaning t1_j5a8t4y wrote

you didn’t. it’s okay to learn something different without using trigger words. take the time to know a city before criticizing their cuisine without knowing such.