Submitted by ShardsgetmeStoned t3_10mngxp in boston

Hey y’all,

It occurred to me that aside from my wife, I don’t really know anyone in town. All my friends and social connections fled Boston in the pandemic. And while I’ve lived in Boston for the better part of 10 years now, yet whenever I go to a workshop or class folks rarely want to exchange contact info or meet up again. In my experience people just socialize with colleagues at work or from uni. But I’ve been doing most of my work and all my classes remote so opportunities to really make any connections are limited at best.

I have a pretty wide range of interests so I don’t want to limit suggestions because you kind folks don’t think I’d be into it.

Thanks in advance folks!

Update: I got a few great ideas, and a coupla kind souls even reached out, so thank you! Especially to those with discreet suggestions instead of a general statement.

Hope y’all have a blessed week🙏



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Rabl t1_j64feqv wrote

I don't think that's what was meant by "club". Are you into running or birdwatching or model trains or TTRPGS or anything like that? There is probably an organization of similarly-interested individuals you can join.


SlightlyStoopkid t1_j64fm0e wrote

I don’t mean a dance club. I mean if you play chess, you go to a chess club twice a week every week until you make some chess friends. You do not have to drink or do drugs or eat garbage to meet people and engage with your interests.


aeradyren t1_j652qtf wrote

If you like hiking and the outdoors, Boston’s chapter of the AMC (Appalachian Mountain Club) is pretty great for meeting people! And if you don’t have a car, there are always people willing to give rides to the hikes. I’ve made lots of friends through it.


yo_soy_soja t1_j652vuj wrote

Boston social Discord server:

I'm on this Discord server pretty regularly — especially during work hours — but honestly my best social experiences have occurred when I've narrowed down an interest and found people with that common interest. With randos it's much more of a gamble of finding people you'll click with.


bostonguy2004 t1_j656ac9 wrote

Alumni Association for your college or University?


mpjjpm t1_j65c8cg wrote

Skip the Small Talk is great, especially if you’re social/outgoing enough to follow up with people. I’ve heard good things about Venture Cafe on Thursday evenings at Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC), but haven’t attended myself.


mfball t1_j668kmh wrote

Are most of the people at AMC meetups usually in pretty solid hiking shape? I enjoy hiking but haven't been in a few years, and generally even in more active times I've never been fast, so I would just hate to be the loser holding everyone up (or left in their dust)


AWalker17 t1_j669qwj wrote

Dude we are all burnt out. I don’t find that people bond over work here.


Lurking1821 t1_j66bmy4 wrote

If you google Boston young professional networking there are a lot of events!


ivyredo t1_j66c2x5 wrote

I don’t have any helpful suggestions sorry but just wanted to say I feel you, it is so hard to make new friends here. Please share if you find an answer 💀


aeradyren t1_j66iryu wrote

So I’m actually training to be an AMC volunteer leader, and I mostly lead beginner/easy hikes and walks! There are a few of us who do that. There’s a lot of focus on making sure everyone feels included. (I’m also not in crazy shape either, haha. I just like getting outside.)


ShardsgetmeStoned OP t1_j699oqu wrote

Thanks 😊 . I’ve been all over the country and world and have never found a less friendly place.

But so far the best suggestions I have gotten are the Boston chapter of the AMC, checking out the CIC, and investigating the Boston discord. With any luck I can find some folks I fit in with 🤞