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RMR6789 t1_j6k89xq wrote


Maj0r_Ursa t1_j6ltvm5 wrote

Holy hell I had no idea Mike’s had a Florentine cannoli. I gotta try it asap


RMR6789 t1_j6ly9zz wrote

You won’t be disappointed! (I hope!)


Strong_Election8659 t1_j6l87s8 wrote

Until you get the one from bovas


RMR6789 t1_j6ly7dd wrote

I like bovas a lot! I just prefer mikes for cannoli. I will give bovas cannoli another whirl though. it’s been a while and maybe my memory serves me incorrect haha.


some1saveusnow t1_j6m3gap wrote

I’ve only had it from bovas and it’s the only cannoli I get. Honestly, how is it at mikes?