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stametsprime t1_j6laig5 wrote

It’s expensive, but Codzilla was legitimately a lot of fun. Likewise the Liberty Fleet of tall ships next to the Aquarium. They’re great to just hang out and lazily cruise around the harbor for a couple hours.


ich_habe_keine_kase t1_j6ln95u wrote

Yeah, did one of the tall ships last year with an out of town guest. It was a really lovely afternoon.


morrowgirl t1_j6mvsit wrote

Codzilla is SO fun. I've been sailing in the harbor for years and would love spotting it. One day my husband and I were going to take our nephew sailing but there was NO wind so we decided on the spot to get Codzilla tickets. It did not disappoint.


brufleth t1_j6nhix0 wrote

Codzilla is definitely fun.

My only complaint about Liberty Fleet is sometimes their skippers are jerks to other boats in the harbor.