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Melodramamine6 t1_j6mr37k wrote

West Roxbury has everything I need. Decent rent with a parking spot and a balcony, tons of restaurants but for some reason it’s really boring here. I think it’s ‘cause I lived in Somerville for 22 years. It’s growing on me though. A bike lane would be nice.


sihtydaernacuoytihsy t1_j6nofh2 wrote

It's boring because it's really old.

Boston as a whole is 17% age 18-24; WR is 4%. Boston's 23% 25-34; WR is 13%. So where the city as a whole is 40% young adults, WR is less than a fifth. It's mostly families and the elderly.

And yes it needs bike lanes.


Quincyperson t1_j6na6rj wrote

I used to call it West Roxboring. But yes, a driveway and a yard


Melodramamine6 t1_j6ncdg8 wrote

I lived here until I was 6 a mile away from my current apartment until my family moved to Brookline. Hope I’m not gonna die here.