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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j60azb8 wrote

>So AI, then? /s

No, it's a public policy group who's literally working on increasing voter turnout. You keep falsely asserting that this is about a candidate having sour grapes that people didn't vote for her and citing something that had nothing to do with her.

BTW, if I wanted to insult you, I wouldn't be pulling punches.


_Hack_The_Planet_ OP t1_j60fyfe wrote

> No, it's a public policy group who's literally working on increasing voter turnout.

Have you ever tried to write as a group? No, it's a person.

> You keep falsely asserting that this is about a candidate having sour grapes that people didn't vote for her and citing something that had nothing to do with her.

It's called BIAS.

Candidates are limited by campaign finance laws from spending "too much" money on outreach to their potential voters. Therefore, special interest groups exist to spend soft money on voter outreach. They say that they are interested in "voter turnout", but there is only one political party that this "Priorities for Progress" supports.

For example, their founder Liam Kerr has an exclusive history of fundraising for democrats... I also looked up the history of the other "data driven nonprofit" group: Murmuration and found that their employees financially support only left wing PACs.

But this is an open secret. You would have me and others pretend that there is no bias and that this has no political agenda other than to increase voter turnout, regardless of who is running.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j60hvnw wrote

So the PAC that’s really just a front for the lack candidate waited until the election she wasn’t in to do spend thousands of dollars? Not exactly a solid plan.


_Hack_The_Planet_ OP t1_j61shlz wrote

I agree that scolding people for not voting for your candidate is a stupid idea. See, we agree.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j61ss02 wrote

For the fifteenth fucking time, it wasn’t “their candidate”.

For fuck’s sake, Campbell wasn’t even on the ballot then.


_Hack_The_Planet_ OP t1_j61swqm wrote

Says you, but you aren't exactly representing a "neutral point of view."