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TurnsOutImAScientist t1_j64ohhc wrote

Agree with the sentiment, but I'm guessing you have your order reversed and they put the airport a mile from the blue line.


aray25 t1_j64zjal wrote

Technically, it was was not reversed. The airport predates the "Blue Line," and even the "East Boston Line" (the same service before color names were introduced). It does not, however, predate the BNH North Shore Railroad that used the same right-of-way.


Moohog86 t1_j659q17 wrote

East Boston tunnel was built in 1904. Airport was the 1923.

It was never on the bnh north shore right of way. That is behind down east cider, south of the blue line, pretty much abandoned. Nothing really predates the blue line right of way. It started as a street car line, but never changed much.

I even have a 1918 map with the 'blue line' on it but before the airport was filled in.