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LumixShill t1_j65kkn7 wrote

Is this all post COVID? I've flown out of Logan and back about a dozen times and never had an issue getting to and from the airport. I can't say I've ever traveled during rush hour, but these days rush hour feels like it lasts from 6AM to 10AM and 2PM to 6PM.

I would usually take the silver line too, it wasn't really that much of a hassle. I haven't traveled since December 2019 though.


TinyEmergencyCake t1_j66lbbm wrote


Almost 4000 people died from SARS-CoV-2 last week alone.

We're very much NOT "post covid"


clauclauclaudia t1_j69rmyl wrote

I feel like in context the question was clearly post the beginning of COVID.