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blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j5p2fcv wrote

Correct. All I’m saying is that we don’t have to seem racist to the rest of the world. There will be other black people elsewhere that will feel the same


5teerPike t1_j5p3035 wrote

Good thing no demographic is a hivemind nor a monolith.

That said, given MLKs own critique on the use of "dark vs light , black vs white" I can at least understand why someone would see some of the criticism as racist.

Edit: and I wouldn't call "that looks like a poo penis" criticism, but rather a reflection of what that person wants to see because that assertion is insulting and not constructive at all. It also reflects on the ignorance of people who just seemed to have 0 awareness that this project was taking place, selected by public participants in a vote out of 125 other, and was privately funded by donations. Enough people wanted this and participated in this that it happened. If you don't like the result, take that as a call to action to participate in the cultural development of your city more.


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j5p3s7n wrote

The final result doesn’t look as good as the proposed renderings. Unfortunately, I don’t live in Boston proper, so I don’t get a say