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SphaeraEstVita t1_j5pj95c wrote

They did not ask the public to vote on it. The committee had a Google Form where people could offer their input but this was not a vote and the questions weren't "which option do you like best" but instead "Which of the five MLK Boston design proposals do you believe best reflects the Kings' legacy? Why?" and "Which proposal most effectively addresses current social issues, and is also likely to remain relevant over time?"


[deleted] t1_j5pp455 wrote



SphaeraEstVita t1_j5ppor8 wrote

The committee voted amongst themselves but there was never a public vote.


[deleted] t1_j5pqfre wrote



SphaeraEstVita t1_j5pr1wm wrote

Paul English and other private donors funded it. It is not publicly funded.


[deleted] t1_j5prbtc wrote



SphaeraEstVita t1_j5psarp wrote

I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make... If you are paying for art inside your house then no one else should have any say in it because that space is yours. If it is going to be in a public place then it should be something that the public approves of regardless of who is paying for it.