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Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j5o3yp6 wrote

Reply to comment by justinew2000 in Traffic SUCKS! by DrBiochemistry

If only drivers would too, maybe they wouldn’t kill so many tens of thousands every year. How many people were killed last year by a light running bike? Or by any bike collision? Maybe your priorities are a little completely ass backwards?


justinew2000 t1_j5okw8a wrote

Did I ever say anywhere that drivers were better at following the rules of the road or that bikes kill anyone, no I didn't not even close. I'm simply responding to the statement made by the bicyclist above that says its alright to blow through red lights which it clearly is not. Just like its not alright for a car to do so either. So maybe next time when you make a quick judgment of thinking what my priorities are maybe put a little more context behind the comment I'm making. Also I bike around the city as well so maybe my priorities are so ass backwards as you say dumbass


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j5om5pa wrote

So do you struggle with reading or were you just excited to respond to something the op didn’t say? They didn’t say blowing through a red light, they said passing cars stopped at a red light. You’re not required to que up behind stopped traffic.


justinew2000 t1_j5on4cf wrote

I dont struggle with reading at all I belive its within human nature for people to read things and interpret it different ways. (Or am I wrong about that one as well) I read what the bicycle comment above says and interpret it as the bicyclist blowing past 30 suvs by going through a red light. Regardless am I wrong in saying that a lot of bikes do go through red lights and put themselves in danger? Again not saying cars are better, but am I wrong? No I don't think I am