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90sArcadeKid t1_j7f4yhy wrote

Sega Mega Drive


Imaginary_Fennel6772 OP t1_j7f533c wrote

What games? I played the crap out of sonic, micro machines, ECCO and I think I wanna say toejam and earl?


tumbuctu t1_j7ghl37 wrote

Micro machines … I spent hours and hours playing this game as little boy.. street fighter 2 turbo aswell! And dont forget streets of rage!


RevElliotSpenser t1_j7fg94w wrote

Toejam and Earl is amazing, I have that on my original Xbox on a mega drive emulator


90sArcadeKid t1_j7f5c2i wrote

Had Mega Games 2 and General Chaos, luckily my best friend had all the games. I have been thinking of asking him what he did to all those games 🤔