Submitted by KETZALCOATL_bird t3_121hvzo in consoles
GodIsNull_ t1_jdo9chf wrote
Reply to comment by MBJR57 in Why its the same by KETZALCOATL_bird
I own both, Dualsense and Xbox Controller. The Xbox controller has the advantage of replaceable batteries. But the build quality is way worse. The buttons are very loud and clicky, same with analogue sticks, overall it feels very cheap. And yes, they miss a lot of features the dualsense have, but the build quality is the main point i don't like the controller very much.
And maybe you tell me where microsoft is innovative, cause i can not see it.
MBJR57 t1_jdob61d wrote
We don't need any innovation in controles, we need usefulness, like the elite controllers do, the build quality I can agree, the triggers I can too, but tell me, what do the track pad is useful that an analog can't do, yeah, paying the same price for both isn't near fair, and I I exaggerated when I called "Sony fanboy", but of the functions of the playstation controller, most new ones aren't as useful, yeah, I would love to have adaptive triggers but let's be honest, most things on the Dualsense just are there, being useful just for a handful of games, and Microsoft is innovative, Gamepass, Xcloud, the Xbox live when it came out, yeah, they are Innovative, but not on putting extra things on a controller
GodIsNull_ t1_jdogimw wrote
Games subscriptions were not invented by Microsofts Gamepass, they just copied what other publishers already had and threw money on it. They still make losses with it.
Cloud gaming weren´t invented by microsoft either, they did what they always do, they took an existing product, copied it and put a lot of money into it.
Xbox Live, really? Online services for console to download games, connect players through online gaming already had been around in the 1980s and 90s. Online gaming were also heavily used in the PC market already.
Microsoft did not invent any of these things. They are good at taking ideas from others, invest lots of money in it and maybe advance some of the technology from time to time. That is not what i would call innovation. But there were many products where they tried the same thing and failed horribly.
And i won´t say that Sony is the most innovative in the sector either, but their overall impact with many systems and Games was much bigger than MS in the past. Especially the PS1 opened the market to a whole new audience of adult players.
The most impact with new hardware products through decades imho had Nintendo with NES reviving the console market after the game crash, first widely adopted mobile gaming handheld GameBoy, Analogue Sticks on N64, motion controls with Wii, dual Display with touch on 3DS and the modernized mobile handheld Switch.
MBJR57 t1_jdoy0k3 wrote
Microsoft didn't invented, but found a way to improve it, many people buy Microsoft consoles just because of gamepass, Xbox Live were and still is the best console multiplayer subscription out there, Xcloud is the cloud gaming service that have better servers (at least in my country), but Nintendo did the same thing Microsoft did, the Japanese master system launched before the Famicon, but the Famicon became more popular, The GameBoy was the first popular one but just the Game Gear had colors 7 years before the GameBoy color and was launched just one year after, the analog stick was made first in a videogame called vectrex, the dual display DS was really an revolution but we had the motion technology way before the Wii (the television controllers literally used the same system but simpler and the power glove was a shit of a motion controller but still), and the concept for creating a thing similar to the Switch was created way before the Switch but no one had the money to do it. Nintendo just did the same thing as Xbox and just gained all the fame for all the things that they stole (except DS and GameBoy), and now Nintendo is selling really expensive games that in my country people can't buy, I have a switch and have just two games, the joy cons aquire drift very easily, and it's just not worth it here, we can't even think of carrying one of those on the road with the fear to get robbed, the switch is great but the games and the console are too expensive to even mind buying one, there it must be different, but here Nintendo is almost an EA, and it isn't even near to being innovative as so much people think.
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