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Anubra_Khan t1_j21757u wrote

Exactly. The Series S is a trap for all but the most casual gamers. As soon as you get frustrated with the small storage and by the upgrade, you've almost paid for a PS4 or Series X. Not to mention the savings from physical discs.

The one time I saw it make sense was when my buddy got one for his daughter's college dorm room. She is a super casual gamer without much time for it.

It's a pretty cool little system for what it can dobut it's just very niche.


FunkinDonutzz t1_j218ihl wrote

Yeah the storage is the real kicker. I know two people that bought one and got frustrated with it pretty quickly - especially when "Smart" Delivery forces you to install the Series version of a game if it's available. They had a few Xbox One games on an external HDD just fine which got ugrade, and were forced to install to the paltry 350GB.