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Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j2si1pd wrote

There’s no real “support” involved with crossplay it’s kinda just “is it turned on?”


Open-Table-8806 t1_j2sn5pw wrote

the way cross play works doesn't change for different device:

  • input done from computer
  • output shows up on screen
  • input sent to server
  • input sent to other players
  • output shows up on their screen

So no. Xbox can't have "better cross-play". It's not really possible. You could change how the system above works by putting 3 of those inputs into one packet and then send it to the server, that system is really simple.


the-final-fantaseer t1_j2sts76 wrote

nah, its the same

if anything, it would be more lucrative for Microsoft to turn crossplay off so you had to buy an Xbox or a pc depending on what friends you have


The-Switcher t1_j2t61sh wrote

You are somewhat forced in crossplay in most games


Mccobsta t1_j2tojqk wrote

Mostly comes down to what online the game has