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Kear_Bear_3747 t1_j3wxmqw wrote

Because PlayStation sells more units, but Xbox is still better in general.

It’s like people driving Honda Accords being salty when a Corvette drives by.


I_WishIKnewUWantedMe t1_j3wy8o6 wrote

The console wars was a lot more toxic during the 360 and ps3 days. But people genuinely like to argue with what they prefer. That's all it is really.


platinumsplattingem t1_j3x0e9c wrote

Depends what kinda players you are talking to. Xbox is a major thing where I live and everyone has one (I used to but then got the PS5). Playstation gets hard dissed around here. But online I have seen a lot of hate for Xbox.

It’s alright to have some friendly competition between consoles because that is what inspires the other to thrive and continue. Players are only hostile because they like to defend what their favourite is, companies like Xbox & Playstation need hardcore (and sadly hostile) fans because although they are aggressive, they are loyal. They will buy your new products and never buy the rivalling console. Once you lose your hostile & protective fanbase, that is when you need to worry.

So, in short, that is why the behaviour is still tolerated by games companies & why players are hostile to players from other consoles: loyalty.


Dont_Buy_Me_Back t1_j3x0kz7 wrote

Because people just can't help themselves being as tribal as possible.

Humans are inherently tribal about almost anything.. Music taste, Sports teams, Patriotism, Coke Vs pepsi for Christ's sake.

Any choice between 'this or that' will lead to tribalism. It's a flaw.


ClownWorld247 t1_j3x41ug wrote

Xbox sucks... no re-chargeable controllers were a massive flaw!


Ram-bullings t1_j3xb3nm wrote

Cause Xbox players SUCK, WHO YOU CALLING HOSTILE!! ~jokes :p


Zestyclose-Neck-8206 t1_j3xdh3q wrote

It's just a friendly competition. Usually when something like this happens it's brought up so the need to stick up for your console is only like being territorial. As I'm a part of the playstation community like many others I will stick up for playstation if its ever brought up. Plus all my friends that have xboxs are always picking apart playstation and I hate it I have to stick up for playstation when XBOX players get wayyy to territorial.


wworldbosss t1_j3xdw31 wrote

I hate xbox because they started the pay to go online thing. And I hate playstation because they followed. Lol. Disclaimer I'm playstation all the way and my year subscription ends in 3 days 😔


RocketBobcat t1_j3xe9e9 wrote

Man it’s not like it’s was.

N64/ps1 era was my first tour in the console wars MGS vs Winback, Mario vs Lara Croft Goldeneye vs Everything. A bloody time in human history when a man would beat his fellow man with a multitap over an argument about rumble packs and feel no regrets.

That was my war, Nintendo’s first Vietnam.

Of course the true horror was the Nintendo Sega days of the 80s wart 90s thankfully before my time but it scarred many a gamer.

I dunno man console wars are fun. Ultimately it’s because as a kid you probably only have system, so you feel undying loyalty to it. As an adult is goes away because you just buy what you want.

I think Sony fans are a salty because they’ve spent decades building a rep for strong single player games then Microsoft just bought loads of existing successful studios.


UpAndAdam7414 t1_j3xgft7 wrote

There are more PlayStation players so there are going to be more toxic PlayStation players than Xbox. I also think the PS audience is on average younger, which won’t help either.


Low-Lettuce-7393 t1_j3xmgjo wrote

As an Xbox player whenever i hope on a game off r6 we are also very hostile


Vader_Von_Vader t1_j3xp0ie wrote

Because we are superior. We know it. They Know it. The old lady across the street that has 26 cats knows it.

Thats all I got.


sec713 t1_j3xp7lf wrote

It's almost like Microsoft is running a business or something. How dare they maintain a revenue stream that enables them to financially support their network and invest in updates and improvements! I bet if there's money leftover, they pay their shareholders dividends. Those nefarious bastards!



rtdzign t1_j3xq0lt wrote

The are pros and cons. Built in batteries mean that when the console becomes a legacy console you will have to buy battery replacement when the controller dies. I’m dealing with this issue on PS3 games now. Xbox you don’t have to worry about finding AA’s 10 years from now.


PhoneEquivalent7682 t1_j3xt887 wrote

The console war is part of the cultere, thats just what happens when it happens. Dont take it personally.


OkChampion64 t1_j3xxost wrote

I’ve played both. I like both. I’m with ps4 now, but would have no qualms with switching to the Xbox


TreeOfAntiquity t1_j3y0h60 wrote

Lol I remember this war since Nintendo and Sega days (started gaming on the commodore 64 and amiga 600). It just comes with the products. I was always a fan of tech. So always wanted all consoles but if I had to pick of what I preferred over xbox and Sony overall... I'd say I slightly prefer Sony due to the controllers. I've loved the evolution of controllers since the 80s and just feel the Sony ones lately have felt better for me personally than xbox controllers. Although it's so close that it's almost negligible honestly. I think both are great and worth buying either depending on ur preference of exclusive games or controllers.


Sure_Depth_3081 t1_j3y175w wrote

Im not hostile to xbox or players of xbox. I was brought up when ps came out always been ps fan the look of the consoles, feel of controller, the games not just exclusives. Dont get me wrong xbox is good even had a couple myself over the years but i have and always be a ps boy! No hate just love for all us gamers. Fuck pc tho! Haha!


CheeseMan2007 t1_j3yaume wrote

One reason could be xbox acquiring a lot of very important and influential companies such as Bethesda etc


JayMacdon22 t1_j3yc5u8 wrote

Because they are bitter for buying a shit console 😂… let’s be honest


InsertStupidityHere t1_j3z0a26 wrote

Wdym?? Most my family uses PlayStation but I use Xbox and they still treat me nice, nobody with a PlayStation has treated me rude but very little people know I have a Xbox so far but can someone explain?


jbg0801 t1_j3z47yb wrote

Then you can just go about your life, but there are people who enjoy playing older consoles and batteries where I have to completely open the controller to replace them are a huge pain in my ass compared to the simplicity of having a bunch of rechargeable AA batteries for basically all of my controllers.


ProximaMidnite t1_j3zekw1 wrote

In all fairness that door swings both ways.. both are just as hostile as each other!!

Reading a couple of childish comments in here such as “bitter for buying a shit console” and “Xbox is better, that’s a fact” shows that Xbox owners are just as hostile..

I don’t see the point, I have both series x and ps5 and a PC and honestly I love them all.. they all offer completely different games and experiences and I find it sad that in 2022 this shit still goes on lol

it’s like the PlayStation accounts on twitter.. your guaranteed to see the same old shut every single time “Xbox better” lol it just never ends

I just think it’s time that we grew up and stop caring about which console is better and just start enjoying what console you do have


kittze t1_j3zu6rj wrote

I grew up team PS but over the years, I realized Xbox is better and it made me salty. 😂


Lariver t1_j403exe wrote

Honest answer is because alot of Playstation owners think Xbox is a joke lol


JayMacdon22 t1_j405o4r wrote

Xbox x beats the ps5 ,Google it yourself !


CptRogerJayUnderpant t1_j40a500 wrote

I play all, XBOX, PS, Switch and PC so I can partake in the tribalism on all platforms. I don’t care about your platform, but if it’s different from the one I’m playing. I’ll verbally abuse you and convince myself your console gives you a competitive edge and report you for hacking. It’s just how the gaming world works.


Ryback19j t1_j40gw3o wrote

Well i have a nes, snes, master system, mega drive, sega Saturn, dreamcast, GC, n64, ps1, ps2 etc. You get the idea they all have there games that are console specific i have no hate to people who play one console only i just ignore it and try to enjoy playing my game regardless of how toxic others can be


Drop_Funny t1_j40ippa wrote

Because they're childish and insecure.


OgDeltwin t1_j40k62q wrote

And i would say why Xbox players are so hostile with PlayStation players?


Vaseline_killa77 t1_j40ld6b wrote

The pros and cons of both consoles weigh each other out, growing up I’ve always been Xbox, however due to PlayStation exclusives I’ve switched. The consoles are both good in their own ways. I don’t understand why people argue it really just comes down to preference.


KludgyOne67095 t1_j40wiol wrote

Being a long time XBOX consumer myself, I'd say this isn't the norm. Then again, no-one knows I came from XBOX.


Pixzyzombiee t1_j41e7ax wrote

toxic war since the dawn of time between xbox and playstation 💩


EdGoose36 t1_j41kece wrote

Just to say I have both a type of playstation and a type of Xbox


BJflamingo t1_j41uayu wrote

I’ve got both and either side has their pros and cons so I don’t get console wars


wworldbosss t1_j43d1hq wrote

Incase you never guessed... I was joking 😐


JimAdams7 t1_j492syg wrote

PS player here I hate that xbox has done stuff like always online DRM for xbox one and terrible customer support


ConsiderationOk9004 t1_j4bc3j0 wrote

I think both camps can be pretty hostile and ridiculous. If you go to YouTube and type in "PS fanboys", you will get dozens of die-hard Xbots complaining about "Sony Ponies" or whatever they call them. I think the fact that PS is the more popular console with the more popular first-party games might give the feeling that its fanbase is louder.

There is a degree of fairness with the fun making though. Xbox just doesn't seem to get their shit together. For every win that they take, they take like 5 Ls. There is a degree of pity and patheticness to a fanbase constantly protecting a console manufacturer that just never seems to get anything right and they never seem to get anything in return for their defending aside GamePass.


ChasedUnderscoreAway t1_j4n4hjl wrote

I own both consoles, they’re fairly similar to me. Both play games, both take up space. Both do things better than the other, for example Xbox does backwards compatibility 100x better than PlayStation, and PlayStation has better designs for consoles. Both do their own jobs that’s why I like them both equally


Devian1978 t1_j5k7boj wrote

I own both and they both have good points, always be xbox for me. That said it is Pepsi. Also, neither Sony or Xbox or Sega or even PC could never knock Nintendo off it own throne, mostly because Nintendo does not give 2 craps about your petty azz squabbles, it owns all.


Devian1978 t1_j5k81mm wrote

Also, the PS5 is a great console, but damn it is ugly.