turbomettwurst t1_iv5nzpg wrote
_KnowNothingGuy_ t1_iv5iiub wrote
And also the title is misleading, script only changes the background image. Cron job or scheduler is needed to do a periodic run/update of bg.
pegasus_527 t1_iv66t9c wrote
The script includes crontab setup. Why should it bundle its own scheduler when there’s a perfectly fine one included on the OS?
_KnowNothingGuy_ t1_iv6c9as wrote
Hey , this script was not present in the repo when I made that comment. Good to see that they have included shell script.
llagerlof t1_iv736y6 wrote
What a coincidence. Last week I wrote a script to update my gnome background image once a day from APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day).
Didn't put on GH, though.
mrcaptncrunch t1_iv76k93 wrote
It uses a third party app to change the background image.
On Mac I’ve done this in the past with
defaults write Background '{defaults = {ImageFilePath = "$PathToImage"; };}';
FudgeeO98 t1_iv99mkx wrote
think it's compatible with ultrawide screen (5120x1400)?
WorkingMuscle11 OP t1_iv9digq wrote
yes! If you use feh it should center the earth on your monitor. Didn't test it on ultrawide screens thoug.
FudgeeO98 t1_iv9fprs wrote
i will definitely try it when I get home later this week! I'll let you know if it works!
_KnowNothingGuy_ t1_iv5ibrz wrote
Which OSs does this script support?