Recent comments in /f/coolgithubprojects

orhunp OP t1_jbykkix wrote

Not quite.

> If you deal with command-line tools often, it might take some time to figure out how to get help or check the version of a particular command (especially when shell completions are not available). In that case, you might try the most-known flags such as -h and -v but unfortunately not all the command-line tools follow these conventions (either due to conflicts with other flags or they just use another form). Instead of brute-forcing manually into getting help, you can run halp <command> and it will check the common arguments by running the command and checking the exit code.


lurgi t1_jbbp5gi wrote

Then you'd need to modify the C/C++ code so that it doesn't return a Widget type or whatever and instead serializes the data in such a way that it can be deserialized by the caller.

At this point it's just FFI with me doing all the work. Plus, every time a function is called with different arguments, the C compiler is invoked (this also means whoever is running the code will need a C compiler installed, which seems like a big ask).


lurgi t1_jbarw1b wrote

It looks like it takes the file containing the function, slaps an int main() in there which calls the function with the appropriate arguments, and then compiles and runs the code. No values can be returned from the function and my guess is it will only work with a few data types (int, float, char, maybe string) so good luck using anything remotely interesting.


Zealousideal_Crazy46 OP t1_jb8fc2l wrote

Hello! am the owner of sushi - a library to help you migrate from one language to another and wanted to announce 0.1! When I first posted about sushi, it had lots of bugs and was in a really early stage. After releasing 0.1 all bugs were fixed and suggestions from my last post were applied.

So what really is sushi? As the title says it's a library to help you migrate from one language to another. It can also be used if you can't find any library for your language. In future, I want to have it compatible with any language.

If it sounds interesting, you can help me continue growing this project by giving it a star and contributing to it. Thanks for all the support!

I will also listen to all your suggestions and opinions about it, so if you have any - comment it!

Examples: I will add more when auto indexing will be ready (alternative to regex based indexing)


Formal_Tree2535 t1_jazh5k8 wrote

Thank you u/josiahnelson! I think you have a precise first impression since that's exactly our target - a drop-in auth solution, but with customization and extensibility. :-)

Our team is still working hard on adding new features to extend the scenarios, so don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do better.


josiahnelson t1_jaym8bq wrote

Not OP, but as a heavy Authentik user I read through the docs and I think this solution is somewhere inbetween something like Authelia and Authentik.

It has a built in IdP, looks very straightforward to setup and is fairly customizable/extensible, but not nearly as much so as Authentik in most areas.

I fully plan to spin this up in my test environment to kick the tires, but my initial thought is that this aims at being more targeted towards developers looking for a straightforward drop-in auth provider for their app.

Obviously simplifying here but just my first impressions.