Recent comments in /f/coolgithubprojects
sanderspedro OP t1_jd94ldb wrote
Reply to comment by Et-em in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Thank you u/Et-em
sanderspedro OP t1_jd94i3a wrote
Reply to comment by Bitter_Motor_9081 in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Routr (v2) is a signaling server while Asterisk is more of a swiss knife. For most use-cases Asterisk is enough, but sometime you want to offload Asterisk and use it only as a Media Server (Think CPaaS)
xXWarMachineRoXx t1_jd94034 wrote
Reply to comment by sanderspedro in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
If you could share a screngrab of the ui or a demo
That be great
Else i will clone and tell you if suits our case
xXWarMachineRoXx t1_jd93sal wrote
Reply to comment by sanderspedro in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
I will ask and tell
xXWarMachineRoXx t1_jd93rbn wrote
Reply to comment by xXWarMachineRoXx in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
We have been meaning to refactor our solution
xXWarMachineRoXx t1_jd93prv wrote
Reply to comment by sanderspedro in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Well the thing is im in uc dept of my company But the guy who actually deals with it is my dept and doesnt like fusionpbx much
sanderspedro OP t1_jd93jrz wrote
Reply to comment by xXWarMachineRoXx in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Nice! What's your use-case? I have lots of plan but want to make sure it is stuff people need.
xXWarMachineRoXx t1_jd92m1q wrote
Reply to comment by sanderspedro in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Dude we so needed a mordern solution for this
We use freeswitch and fusion pbx right now
Would def try it out
Bitter_Motor_9081 t1_jd90hcb wrote
How is this software related to Asterisk PBX?
Et-em t1_jd8z3ff wrote
It's great congrats on the launch OP
sanderspedro OP t1_jd8yefs wrote
Maintainer here 👋
Happy to answer any question.
[deleted] t1_jd8bqgk wrote
raiyanyahya OP t1_jcp46r3 wrote
Reply to comment by MisterSpeck in This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
Thank you for the support!
MisterSpeck t1_jcp0gbj wrote
Reply to This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
This looks to be very useful. Thanks for posting!
raiyanyahya OP t1_jcmxn26 wrote
Reply to comment by blckshdw in This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
Yup. Its quite useful for people who deploy ui to sub domains.Also helps the reviewer of the PR to actually check how the UI looks before merging. Just like vercel gives you preview urls.
blckshdw t1_jcmwktg wrote
Reply to comment by raiyanyahya in This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
Oh.. ok I’m dumb then, I thought it taking a screenshot of the PR.. I guess that’s useful if you’ve got a use case for something like that. Maybe auditors? They love asking for screenshots of text 😝
raiyanyahya OP t1_jcmqaeq wrote
Reply to comment by blckshdw in This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
It also does full page scrolling screenshots to capture the whole page in one go.
raiyanyahya OP t1_jcmpuk2 wrote
Reply to comment by blckshdw in This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
This doesnt visualize commits, it helps people take auto screenshots of ui after depoiyment to staging or preview. I apologize if it wasnt clear in the description.
blckshdw t1_jcm5lxo wrote
Reply to This GitHub Action takes a full screen scrolling screenshot of a given URL, uploads it to Dropbox and posts the image url as a comment on the associated pull request. It's useful for visualizing changes in a UI project, previewing a deployed staging environment, or any situation where a visual repre by raiyanyahya
If only there was a way to visualize the commit history.. like with your eye balls and brain
XavierLightman t1_jcly3z7 wrote
looks cool:)
usc-ur OP t1_jcb5zvs wrote
Reply to Smarty Chat-GPT: A simple wrapper that tries to "hide" context information to end-users and enhance the performance of responses. by usc-ur
We have also connected this tool with the [Awesome ChatGPT Prompts dataset]( and [repo]( from Fatih Kadir Akın.
Our purpose is to connect all this data with the API and make the proccess **fully transparent** to the end user.
usc-ur OP t1_jcb5ykg wrote
Reply to Smarty Chat-GPT: A simple wrapper that tries to "hide" context information to end-users and enhance the performance of responses. by usc-ur
We have also connected this tool with the [Awesome ChatGPT Prompts dataset]( and [repo]( from Fatih Kadir Akın.
Our purpose is to connect all this data with the API and make the proccess **fully transparent** to the end user.
usc-ur OP t1_jca4ot7 wrote
Reply to comment by Aphix in Pyplexity: Useful tool to clean scraped text (better than BS4!) by usc-ur
Sure! The idea is that you create a language model from a given corpus (let's say BNC) and then you use a similarity measure, in this case, perplexity, but can be another one to test how well your sample (sentence) "fits" into the model distribution. Since we assume the distribution is correct, this allows us to identified malformed sentences. You can also check the paper here:
usc-ur OP t1_jca4ffj wrote
Reply to comment by Aphix in Smarty Chat-GPT: A simple wrapper that tries to "hide" context information to end-users and enhance the performance of responses. by usc-ur
Sorry, my bad, here you have: :)
sanderspedro OP t1_jd95t66 wrote
Reply to comment by xXWarMachineRoXx in Routr (v2): The future of programmable SIP Servers by sanderspedro
Routr (v2) does not currently have a Web UI. However, you can explore its capabilities using the CTL. If you simply want to see it in action, consider launching the server with GitPod. Lastly, feel free to join our community. We are establishing a dedicated channel to assist new Routr users with onboarding.