Recent comments in /f/coolgithubprojects
cprenaissanceman t1_izr97zy wrote
Reply to comment by J4id in Excel formula visualizer website by Vaniog
Basically yes. But, seriously? Never?!
J4id t1_izquyu3 wrote
Reply to Excel formula visualizer website by Vaniog
Never used Excel. Is this the same syntax as Google Sheets?
Vaniog OP t1_izq1ybc wrote
Reply to Excel formula visualizer website by Vaniog (website) (project)
Leinstay OP t1_iyv8n5m wrote
Reply to comment by ogm4reborn in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
If you exclude additional addons, which I do not consider when collecting data, the most expensive game for a long time was, it cost $600. At some point, Steam limited the max game price to $200 and the developer changed the price to $60, but screenshots are still walking around.
And as for the $200 games, there are lots and lots of them, for example:
[deleted] t1_iyuxcol wrote
saintshing t1_iyuxcdi wrote
Reply to comment by PotentiallyAPickle in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Paradox games are probably up there with Sims
ogm4reborn t1_iyud3gr wrote
Reply to comment by saintshing in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
No, because by that token Dota + all possible cosmetics could be like $100k+ and there's so many others like that. I'm more curious as to which base game/big dlc is the most expensive.
saintshing t1_iyuankf wrote
Reply to comment by ogm4reborn in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Do we count cosmetic microtransactions?
[deleted] t1_iyuamp1 wrote
Reply to comment by cediddi in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Melancholy-Zebra t1_iytzz8c wrote
Reply to comment by lolwuttav in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Is train simulator available for VR?
lolwuttav t1_iysq7la wrote
Reply to comment by PotentiallyAPickle in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
I'm pretty sure you could buy Sims 4 with all addons quite a few times before it came close to train simulator.
PotentiallyAPickle t1_iyrsdr0 wrote
Reply to comment by cediddi in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Sims with all it’s addons would like a word
cediddi t1_iyrrjku wrote
Reply to comment by ogm4reborn in SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
Probably train simulator with all add-ons
ogm4reborn t1_iyrm2nb wrote
Reply to SteamDB: JSON file of all games available on Steam with prices and additional data from Steam Spy, GameFAQs, Metacritic, IGDB and HLTB. by Leinstay
I wonder what the most expensive game on steam is
Nick337Games t1_iy71288 wrote
Reply to I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
Awesome work!
theflyingdog98 OP t1_iy5p0i5 wrote
Reply to comment by somethingclassy in I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
Yeah good idea, we’ll add a mirroring repo that is only MIT although everything at the moment is MIT
theflyingdog98 OP t1_iy5owxw wrote
Reply to comment by sadiqdev in I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
sadiqdev t1_iy5oe4s wrote
Reply to I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
We would love to have you on our little community too /r/OpenSourceDev :)
somethingclassy t1_iy5mcds wrote
Reply to comment by theflyingdog98 in I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
Awesome. One thing. Please keep the main branch fully MIT Licensed. Keep your enterprise stuff in another repo. That way the legality of forking, distributing, etc is a non-issue.
theflyingdog98 OP t1_iy5lxva wrote
Reply to comment by somethingclassy in I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
Absolutely! Give it a try and either post an issue on GitHub or let me know here if you run into any roadblocks. Happy to help!
somethingclassy t1_iy5dy0d wrote
Reply to I built an open-source secret manager that was treading on Javascript github for 2 days! by theflyingdog98
Wow, this looks truly incredible. Thank you.
Express_Revolution80 t1_ixj1zj0 wrote
Reply to P2P self-governance society prototype researching the intersection of moneyless economy, liquid democracy and p2p media by shanoshamanizum
This is what mental illness looks like.
barrard123 t1_ixec1cb wrote
Reply to comment by Valent-in in Minimalistic web-application for creating electronic music with virtual analog synthesizers. by Valent-in
Very nice! Been a while since I’ve seen something that wasn’t React
Valent-in OP t1_ixc4yio wrote
Reply to comment by barrard123 in Minimalistic web-application for creating electronic music with virtual analog synthesizers. by Valent-in
tobias4096 t1_izrqncw wrote
Reply to Excel formula visualizer website by Vaniog
can you make it support =if() statements