Submitted by sanderspedro t3_11ym9l6
Authentik is an open-source Identity Provider focused on flexibility and versatility | https://goauthentik.io | OAuth, SAML, LDAP & ProxyAuth
Submitted by Ranomier t3_xwdeo6
Submitted by abskmj t3_y9mk8x
HTML-to-Markdown converter that adaptively preserve HTML when needed (eg. when center-aligning, or resizing images)
Submitted by EvitanRelta t3_10425vv
Submitted by IAmOpenSourced t3_1245muf
Submitted by HisMajestyMallard t3_11q8fdx
Submitted by sigoden t3_11pzc4i
Submitted by Reasonable-Ice6455 t3_11hnspm
Submitted by casualwriter-hk t3_ybzatb
Submitted by usc-ur t3_11r45r8
Submitted by orhunp t3_11pc3s3
Submitted by amitmerchant t3_117gd09
Submitted by twistedproton t3_115f0ta
Submitted by jsonathan t3_10zhf5b