Submitted by BooneThorn t3_10tgbbd in creepy
papoon4president t1_j76tcvw wrote
I had no idea fairies had oak leaves for wings.
Kalabula t1_j76vije wrote
These are incredible. I want one.
BooneThorn OP t1_j76wua0 wrote
BooneThorn OP t1_j76wwp9 wrote
You missed the maple leaf in there too
BooneThorn OP t1_j76wxc1 wrote
Thank you!
papoon4president t1_j76x687 wrote
Oh yes, you are correct, I did miss that! This one must be from The Island of misfit fairies.
BooneThorn OP t1_j76x8ny wrote
DictatorofPussy t1_j76yw8k wrote
Is it teriyaki style?
BooneThorn OP t1_j76z3jc wrote
You know it!
scorpioninferno t1_j7712pk wrote
I want that
[deleted] t1_j772847 wrote
BooneThorn OP t1_j77306l wrote
It's a new one
YoungOverholt t1_j774b6z wrote
With the wings that are just leaves lol
BooneThorn OP t1_j7754pe wrote
Makes you wonder if they could actually fly
AzemadaiusKaiser t1_j778jk9 wrote
a flying fairy with a walking stick
Jaxxlack t1_j778w0u wrote
If you're ever in Cornwall England visit the museum of witchcraft.
e9one t1_j7793er wrote
Almost always flies. Not 2 good at walking
e9one t1_j779533 wrote
These are so cool. Do you seel these?
[deleted] t1_j77e2uv wrote
BooneThorn OP t1_j77emci wrote
Oh man, that would be so cool!
BooneThorn OP t1_j77eso7 wrote
Thank you! Yes, I've been doing a bunch of commissions, this one will be mailed out Monday.
BooneThorn OP t1_j77evgj wrote
They are fun to make, but this was a commission.
SicTim t1_j77ezjz wrote
Search eBay for "sideshow gaffs." You'll find a ton of these, realistic shrunken heads, Fiji mermaids, etc.
baudmiksen t1_j77f3or wrote
that stick and not the leaves is for flying it worked like the blades on a helicopter and little rotor arms they got the idea from a davinci schematic
BooneThorn OP t1_j77fd2o wrote
If it works it works lol
[deleted] t1_j77ihxk wrote
Hegemony-Cricket t1_j77j35z wrote
Purple headed, blue veined, heat seeking, moisture missile.
Hegemony-Cricket t1_j77j82x wrote
Added to bucket list today.
Macabre_Rob t1_j77k7vl wrote
Very cool love the idea of a line of these
BooneThorn OP t1_j77ke51 wrote
I want a wall of them! The most I've had finished at one time is 5.
kayl_breinhar t1_j77lwm8 wrote
Fuck no. I saw Hellboy 2. Get those things away from me. >.>
BooneThorn OP t1_j77lyqi wrote
Lol, I still need to watch the second one!
Login2search t1_j77mxql wrote
My God this is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy.
[deleted] t1_j77sfsj wrote
thxmeatcat t1_j77v21e wrote
I don't get it
e9one t1_j77wg3v wrote
Do you have a set price? Or what's the usual range? I would love at least 2 of these
BooneThorn OP t1_j77xm2r wrote
Feel free to DM for info!
kontekisuto t1_j77y74m wrote
lanternkeeper t1_j77zp7y wrote
It's a Futurama reference.
Javasndphotoclicks t1_j788l8k wrote
Commonly fake wood fairy.
snakeskinsandles t1_j7899ic wrote
Imagine making your way here from the Fae wilds, establishing a community, living a long life, only to get stuck in some flypaper, pinned to a board and labeled "Common".
That is Trixalor, prince of the woods, harbinger of gifts.
snakeskinsandles t1_j789bvt wrote
poetdesmond t1_j78a46k wrote
What was your construction process?
BooneThorn OP t1_j78a7tv wrote
Lol, you solved it.
BooneThorn OP t1_j78anr3 wrote
For this one it's a plastic skeleton, pantyhose for the skin on the torso and head, then got glue for skin on the arms and legs. I use air dry clay for the facial features, then painting.
I have started doing paper mache for the body and I think I like that a little better.
SweetCollins t1_j78c7j5 wrote
This is great! do you have videos of the creation process?!
BooneThorn OP t1_j78cog8 wrote
Thanks! I don't have any video yet, but I have some process photos on my Instagram. It's @ CollectedCryptids if you're interested.
Alone_Asparagus7651 t1_j78cphg wrote
Would you eat it for 500$? You know for sure it won’t make you sick
DictatorofPussy t1_j78d9ip wrote
I'd eat it for free. I'm kinda hungry right now.
245--trioxin t1_j78dup4 wrote
Boscastle, Cornwall. Beautiful village, amazing museum.
hvanderw t1_j78f5m4 wrote
8 inches of fairy wood
Javasndphotoclicks t1_j78f9z3 wrote
It would be scary as fuck seeing these in the woods.
BooneThorn OP t1_j78fxiw wrote
Probably lied and is only 7 and a half inches... But that's still 7.5" of delicious teriyaki flavored fairy wood.
BooneThorn OP t1_j78fywe wrote
hvanderw t1_j78g2m8 wrote
Just rounded up is all
EthosPathosLegos t1_j78koxt wrote
Looks like another case for Dresden...
sertulariae t1_j78l7yo wrote
that's definately real.
PIPBOY-2000 t1_j78pnbk wrote
That's because the original post is how a guy made this for his neice (or something like that) because she liked fantastical macabre things like this.
randomredditing t1_j78q8zm wrote
The timing on that line was just perfect
[deleted] t1_j78rk85 wrote
BooneThorn OP t1_j78rsnr wrote
This is a new one. I've done about 10 commissions of them so far.
Innuendoughnut t1_j78selo wrote
>Man.. someone had a lot of time to waste
Says the person making trash comments on Reddit posts he doesn't "get".
iamabigfatnobody t1_j78t01k wrote
Pan's Labyrinth was a terrific movie.
BooneThorn OP t1_j78unce wrote
regularsocialmachine t1_j78z95t wrote
Very cool, i love how it turned out.
BooneThorn OP t1_j78zv5k wrote
PM_ME_UR_POKIES_GIRL t1_j792j88 wrote
Huh. Mine's a Legendary.
Maybe keep grinding til you get a better drop?
Mr_Zeldion t1_j794wvy wrote
explains why I no longer get money when I leave teeth under my pillow. And to think I assumed it was because I no longer live with my parents hahaha silly me.
BooneThorn OP t1_j7957le wrote
Lol, they are long gone these days
BiscuitzwGravy t1_j796b31 wrote
I wonder what a living one would look like.
BooneThorn OP t1_j798ctg wrote
BiscuitzwGravy t1_j798eko wrote
I wonder what they are like.
datazulu t1_j798vqp wrote
Mines Richard, but people call it dick for short.
Alone_Asparagus7651 t1_j79a01g wrote
[deleted] t1_j79cait wrote
swinginghardhammer t1_j79eyhf wrote
Not jinn
torrential_toucher t1_j79ft1s wrote
POV you’ve returned to the dark brotherhood sancutuary after poisoning the emperor’s soup.
BooneThorn OP t1_j79gcog wrote
Lol perfect
Southernms t1_j79ifnd wrote
So cool!!
BooneThorn OP t1_j79k0zj wrote
Thank you!
Hotman_Paris t1_j79k9zq wrote
Google Maps says it is temporarily closed.
[deleted] t1_j79mix3 wrote
GrandmasBoy69 t1_j79n24v wrote
Look to see a live one
HiitlerDicks t1_j79nr9b wrote
I call the it that too
Tebasaki t1_j79oi7k wrote
TIL wood fairys have handsome squidward face
l80magpie t1_j79xep0 wrote
I really like your creations.
_GzX t1_j79y2eh wrote
I never thought oak leafs serving as wings for fairies would be such an amazing design
BooneThorn OP t1_j79ybos wrote
They are all chads
BooneThorn OP t1_j79ycb9 wrote
Thank you so much!
BooneThorn OP t1_j79yen2 wrote
Thank you!
I_make_switch_a_roos t1_j7a1u3q wrote
mine's micro Mike
wantcrack t1_j7a31tf wrote
just stop 😐
Hegemony-Cricket t1_j7a4k8p wrote
Throbbing Python of Love
gurbelgob t1_j7a5o8z wrote
I would not use a walking stick if I had wings :)
Hamad_Mac11 t1_j7a5quo wrote
Looks like the dad from don’t hug me I’m scared
BooneThorn OP t1_j7a5wn6 wrote
You would if you crashed or got attacked by an animal and injured a wing and a leg
Edit: spelling -_-
of_patrol_bot t1_j7a5x78 wrote
Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.
It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.
Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.
Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.
gurbelgob t1_j7a62vm wrote
True, I did not think of that. My first thought was that it was a little spear to hunt dragonflies.
BooneThorn OP t1_j7a69ax wrote
Oh I love that!
[deleted] t1_j7a8ctg wrote
Jaxxlack t1_j7amp7f wrote
Winter here. No tourists.
Hotman_Paris t1_j7amw5b wrote
Fair enough.
Shame though, I am travlling there from Australia at the end of the month.
Jaxxlack t1_j7an2np wrote
You may find alot won't open till march. But good to chat obviously.
Maenethal t1_j7aodbq wrote
That hunting knife looks an awful lot like a bit of wood with some string wrapped around it, but I’m not an expert.
this_1_was_taken t1_j7aqsp5 wrote
Don't you mean common fairy wood?
word_to_chicken_legs t1_j7arcw0 wrote
Mines called Wheatie Meaties
BatDeckard t1_j7arrv1 wrote
You're joking, right?
Killer-Wail t1_j7avsqr wrote
Mine's Pinkie Dust
BooneThorn OP t1_j7awtwe wrote
I make these as a hobby. This is a commission.
BooneThorn OP t1_j7awzo5 wrote
What would you expect a fairy to use as a knife? But I make the as a hobby, it's not real.
KapNKhronicFour20 t1_j7b0zti wrote
Hotman_Paris t1_j7b6yf1 wrote
Thank you, good to know
MusicEd921 t1_j7bjkzg wrote
Why do I hear the Bluey fairy music when looking at this pic?
[deleted] t1_j7bu92v wrote
Federal_Ad7730 t1_j7dmufu wrote
How big is it? And how much? :)
LilyGaming t1_j7ds0pm wrote
If your penis looks like this you should see a doctor
BooneThorn OP t1_j7dwaqj wrote
The fairies are 8" tall. Feel free to DM if you want more info :P
jesspriest t1_j7f5nad wrote
I thought ferries wear boots
BlisterJazz t1_j76q94r wrote
Common wood fairy? That what I call my penis