Rakebleed t1_j82o92a wrote
Rick Scott
Totesnotskynet t1_j84zamf wrote
[deleted] t1_j820g9k wrote
LeeroyM OP t1_j820uwx wrote
YpointyMotherOfGobos t1_j82kn4d wrote
This is absolutely amazing and I LOVE your portfolio! Perfect balance of off putting and familiar. Someday when I’m not broke your art, incredible human, will adorn this enthralled gobbo’s abode.
Thank you for being you.
LeeroyM OP t1_j82muo8 wrote
That's very kind of you, made me smile, thanks a lot.
expespuella t1_j82ydup wrote
"made me smile"
intet42 t1_j82rjej wrote
Amazing stuff. I want this one and Aren't Ya Gonna Come Down on a shirt.
CaptWineTeeth t1_j862y8f wrote
Just out of curiosity, how do the rights work for something like this? Has this been altered enough that you could sell it, or is it too recognizably close to the original? (Presuming this isn’t public domain, of course)
intet42 t1_j82qejw wrote
I do not like this one bit. You send this back to hell where it came from.
Seriously though--I am a hardened horror fan and it's hard to get under my skin without gore, but you succeeded. Excellent work.
LeeroyM OP t1_j82qkw6 wrote
Ha! Thanks a lot.
Psych0n4u7 t1_j83qldh wrote
Forreal. The only one that passes for me is the old man with the glasses on the right. Almost looks cartoonish. The rest of them are absolutely terrifying.
[deleted] t1_j84gx61 wrote
wallix t1_j82h5bg wrote
🎵 Black hole sun, won’t you come, and wash away the rain? 🎵
RelicAmbergris t1_j82mvhc wrote
White people hearing "see you next year" on December 31st
PartisanGerm t1_j842v3h wrote
I laugh out loud with great exaggeration on these just to make a point.
IAmTheAsteroid t1_j83m8hw wrote
BAHAHAHA this does not have enough upvotes.
WonderfulMeet9 t1_j8820i7 wrote
That's racist.
RelicAmbergris t1_j88dzea wrote
White isn't a race
WonderfulMeet9 t1_j88m88c wrote
Black isn't a race either, by that logic.
Peter_101 t1_j82909a wrote
Genuinely unnerving!
filthyMrClean t1_j838k36 wrote
upvotes post
AlushyTheTyrant t1_j82c40v wrote
Twilight Zone vibes intensifies.
PartisanGerm t1_j842yfg wrote
He had eyebrows! Great big eyebrows!!
worstsideoftheport t1_j825t20 wrote
Thanks I hate it (love it)
tacoheadbob t1_j82b9p2 wrote
Don’t forget to take your Joy…..
Xralius t1_j82do40 wrote
They're not laughing at me, they're laughing with me!
pimpmastahanhduece t1_j82rtuu wrote
… because none of us can stop and we're so exhausted!
Beta_Pop t1_j82rwzy wrote
This would be a sick album cover
ShinySkxxls t1_j8303rl wrote
Lil Yachty’s new album cover is similar
TheNahe t1_j84x0om wrote
Was just gonna say! First thing that came to mind seeing this hahah
Mean_Peen t1_j82vk8c wrote
Looks like the Joker was here...
CygnusX-1-2112b t1_j82dssx wrote
An oldie, but very reminiscent.
goliathfasa t1_j831jyb wrote
Came here specifically to post this. 👍
expespuella t1_j82ynsk wrote
I stepped outside while having this open on my phone, and just as I sat my phone down to light my smoke the auto-brightness kicked up a notch. So that was fun to see out of the corner of my eye.
Maxathron t1_j82dqtm wrote
Dude with the glasses is the only real person in there and while he’s terrified, whatever they’re watching seems legitimately funny.
BansheeShriek t1_j82u3gh wrote
Looks like fucking Dr Phil
Gdokim t1_j82hxgl wrote
Seriously getting The Shining vibes
Ayesuku t1_j82rbh7 wrote
Yeah I was gonna say The Shining as well.
Thisismytimewaster t1_j82ymcb wrote
All I see is Richard C Mongler... And that's a deep cut that hasn't crossed my mind in years!
NateNight t1_j83563i wrote
Every time I hear that laugh track on tv shows, this is all I’ll picture now
[deleted] t1_j83znek wrote
10_Eyes_8_Truths t1_j82oakv wrote
This is pretty much how what the joker gass would do to people in real life. eyes bulging out of their sockets and that smile.
Gwynthehunter t1_j82z33s wrote
Jeff the Killer audience
BlackTheNerevar t1_j833wis wrote
Fuck that's unsettling
SnooFoxes6169 t1_j834wtn wrote
woo, made the sound i don't know i can make when saw something uncanny, learnt something new about myself.
KnlghtLlghts t1_j83l8sb wrote
As someone who has social anxiety this picture perfectly captures the feeling of being with a large crowd and looking people in the eye for long periods of time. It doesn't look like this per say.
But the feeling is almost exactly the same.
It's uncomfortable, scary, and makes you anxious. The overwhelming feeling that their eyes are boring into you and judging you is inescapable. The paranoia that people are watching you, laughing at you behind your back. It's overehelming. In that sense, I think this picture is brilliant. Thank you for making it. I feel like people who don't understand social anxiety I could provide this picture to them to understand the feeling better.
cocomunges t1_j844ru9 wrote
Looks like the Lil Yachty album which used AI to distort the faces
pimpmastahanhduece t1_j82rpl5 wrote
TBF, this is comparable to how most animals see us.
Zagrn t1_j830hi2 wrote
And then they laughed at me with hyper realistic eyes!!!
Key_Log9115 t1_j8315v4 wrote
Looks like The Joker did his thing!
ohlinrollindead t1_j831z24 wrote
When you are sus
dragonsmilk t1_j834lgh wrote
How to get it to stop? Turn on a current season of SNL.
Tommy-Douglas t1_j837y05 wrote
This is the audience at Jimmy Fallon's show
ghostadventuresready t1_j83d910 wrote
I love the uncanniness that radiates from this cursed image. Awesome
JosephMc19 t1_j83e7fg wrote
-Kevin Hart
JoelEatsMemes t1_j83tn3n wrote
Hollup, lil yachtys album cover?
lanecampbell77 t1_j82bqe2 wrote
Definately lizard people
[deleted] t1_j82btzj wrote
CharsOwnRX-78-2 t1_j82cga0 wrote
Jeff the Killer discovers Joker Toxin!
[deleted] t1_j82j3jl wrote
Blackholiolio t1_j82luul wrote
[deleted] t1_j82nc68 wrote
[deleted] t1_j82r27n wrote
[deleted] t1_j82rkeg wrote
Jamaican_Dynamite t1_j82topf wrote
Everybody in the audience threw some googly eyes over their eyes and started laughing. Good times, man. Good times.
DirtBikeBoy5ive t1_j82yi0r wrote
This is really funny to me and I don’t know why.
[deleted] t1_j8324rx wrote
[deleted] t1_j8327bj wrote
Just remember death always greets you with a smile.
Lockput t1_j8328et wrote
Joker 🃏 gas
bored_dude9901 t1_j8357wq wrote
The Joker strikes again
ActafianSeriactas t1_j838lwo wrote
When you remove the nose it looks either like Jeff the Killer or the Annoying Orange.
[deleted] t1_j838q9a wrote
there should be one who looks enraged and evil af.
Alraii t1_j838yl6 wrote
Getting some real Laugh is Fun vibes.
olivefreak t1_j839lhv wrote
Consume. Stay asleep. Conform. No independent thought. Obey.
(They Live)
Unknown_User_66 t1_j83bxfh wrote
Ah. Looks like that one scene in TDKR where The Joker Jokers everyone in the audience.
Arcadian_Parallax t1_j83c5se wrote
Jesus Christ I woke up in the middle of the night a few minutes ago, started scrolling Reddit to fall back asleep, and then abruptly saw this and am now stone cold awake
Hurricane242 t1_j83dckz wrote
Must have been really funny
DryEyes4096 t1_j83ecyr wrote
A group of patriotic Americans who just heard about the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
obiwankernobee t1_j83fafl wrote
Reminds me of my favorite Addams Family
Dazed_rhythm t1_j83hybc wrote
Relevant_Ad3548 t1_j83i0jk wrote
u/Dazed_Rhythym heheheha
smokecat20 t1_j83m603 wrote
Well, ya know, as long as they're all happy. That's what really matters.
Sadi_Reddit t1_j83ngub wrote
right out of a Joker laugh gas attack. Thats what a Batman the animation episode would look like in a real life adaptation.
Flashy-Vermicelli368 t1_j83o5cm wrote
My nightmares <3
DarkShogun34 t1_j83ob9n wrote
Reminds me of the villain from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
PerpetualPeter t1_j83r7hp wrote
Average friends audience
[deleted] t1_j83s7zl wrote
Lord_Bloodwyvern t1_j83v5g3 wrote
The effects of Joker gas.
flyingtoasterfluff t1_j843jnl wrote
I love when you do these haha I need them all on t-shirts
Attackkaffe t1_j843y87 wrote
White people when the function has a stand-up comedian:
[deleted] t1_j844t10 wrote
MadJesterXII t1_j84e9gi wrote
SCP - The crowd
8thWonderLivy t1_j84fdyw wrote
This emoji in real life : 😀😀
ncc170what t1_j84g0ze wrote
They look like victums of Joker Gas
bnamsrom t1_j84hdqq wrote
Oh is Colbert on already?
[deleted] t1_j84i2si wrote
Liblola t1_j84jq87 wrote
Another awesome edit!
[deleted] t1_j84lf65 wrote
Ajdreams92 t1_j84nybc wrote
This is dusturbing as shit
pastelfrost t1_j84op34 wrote
Anyone else feeling like blaming op if some of us see this on our dreams later?
CommentContrarian t1_j84pgsp wrote
Let me hear your war cry
CommentContrarian t1_j84phev wrote
Geordieguy t1_j84xb00 wrote
“But with new Joker brand…I get a grin, again and again…”
absomni t1_j84yqvn wrote
Tasty, tasty shirts.
No_Afternoon5950 t1_j851end wrote
5000th upvote
Retro_Gamez t1_j853xqw wrote
Fun fact: Most laugh tracks were recorded in the 1950s. You are hearing dead people laugh
simkatu t1_j85671a wrote
An audience all on LSD.
Bannok t1_j858cum wrote
Sometimes, when you don’t care to check which venue you perform at, you preform for the Audience. Created by the collective efforts of the public of to imagine what the audience of a laugh track looks like when not visible. The details of the Audience seems to be non existent, no wallets and empty purses, just laughing bodies with all their clothing being a one piece fabric. The Audience anomaly appears when a performer is unaware of their venue or location when appearing on stage.
The Audience laugh at every joke made and appears to sound exactly like a laugh track from most comedy television shows that use one and shows no similarity to daytime tv in front of live audiences but appear to be in a studio which reverts to original location after the anomaly. When the performer notices The Audience any changes to the performance results in more laughter as it is seemingly their only function. One of the more frightening aspects of the Audience is the standing ovation, whereas we expect to see clapping and whooping we see The Audience [REDACTED] each other until [REDACTED].
From information gathered this is another physical manifestation of earths collective energy field that distributes pivotal elements of methods, teachings, instincts and intelligence between living beings to ensure their survival on earth. Similar to The Backrooms, these manifestations don’t seem to have any origin except within the concepts of the collective minds of earth.
caucasoidape t1_j85ac0t wrote
Looks about the same as real crowds, when you have autism.
CemeteryInTheSky t1_j85enk9 wrote
The Funni
PeppersHere t1_j85n8pt wrote
Reminds me of the game We Happy Few
18114 t1_j85nqsc wrote
Looks about right. My bestie has had numerous shock treatments to no avail. My other bestie went into a deep depression. No one has heard from her like 6 years.Other bi polar friend passed on. I have three diagnosed mental health “ issues”. Fitting right in.😥
Phimosisist t1_j85papj wrote
This picture would make an awesome album cover.
CapricornyX t1_j85q1jt wrote
So this is the alien race Mark Zuckerberg came from
[deleted] t1_j85qth6 wrote
zinto44 t1_j85s7y5 wrote
looks like the cover of the new lil yachty album
Lopsided_Mastodon922 t1_j85t399 wrote
TheMolly t1_j85w3jl wrote
This unsettles my stomach…
Affectionate-Love423 t1_j85xpnv wrote
What the fresh hell is this?? 😭
jchrist98 t1_j85xypz wrote
Those laugh tracks you hear in comedy skits?
Yup. Now you know
chonkywind t1_j860mtj wrote
NOOOOO they look exactly like the ones that showed up in a nightmare a while ago
ColorGrtt t1_j862ukt wrote
I really like this one! It exudes such a happy energy
[deleted] t1_j863ykp wrote
[deleted] t1_j8671ds wrote
DiogoSN t1_j869p7p wrote
Meh, who needs sleep anyway...
Lord_Casselstone t1_j86bozb wrote
god I get this energy so much from this
Nathan_RH t1_j86l0po wrote
I love joker products!
[deleted] t1_j86ndvw wrote
[deleted] t1_j86nuwp wrote
cloudiness t1_j887ya1 wrote
This is one of the best I've seen here. I prefer this much better than those generic half-naked bodies covered in bright red paint.
MEMEfity t1_j89tix9 wrote
Its litteraly comedt look at the person in right d Down corner
TheAlmightyNexus t1_j89u4xp wrote
Gives me Little Nightmares vibes\
A synchronized town with every individual the same, mesmerized by the entertainment
[deleted] t1_j8m24ge wrote
memo22477 t1_j8u2sws wrote
took me a sec to realise the eyes...
dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_j82a1iq wrote
Repost 🙄
LeeroyM OP t1_j82aanr wrote
I made this an hour ago, so no, it's not.
dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_j82b134 wrote
It’s very similar to other content on here that was done earlier and better
LeeroyM OP t1_j82bg67 wrote
1. That was most likely my work, It's my style.
- Learn what a repost is, similar =/= repost.
dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_j82dswv wrote
So not the same but very similar.
LeeroyM OP t1_j82dxty wrote
Objectively incorrect lol
kushajuana t1_j82j1jx wrote
he doesnt care its only reddi
[deleted] t1_j832of2 wrote
SomeEffinGuy15D t1_j821pr8 wrote
That's the most Mark Zuckerbergs I've ever seen together.