Submitted by Juusto-Jones t3_126ozid in creepy
lordyeti t1_jea6isx wrote
Grandma Potato!
three_y_chromosomes t1_jea8ez3 wrote
I remember this guy from RuneScape!
WeekendLazy t1_jea8wl4 wrote
Pictures at an Exhibition
lorgskyegon t1_jea994a wrote
John Wick has really let himself go
Harvenar t1_jea9egn wrote
It is not creppy for Slavic people :) its a part of our folklore
dannyrj91 t1_jeaa1v2 wrote
He's the size of a house..
LittleLachrymose t1_jeaagy2 wrote
Absolutely adore this
Phenomenon101 t1_jeaanoy wrote
I mean, that's her house, but okay
Fuck_you_pichael t1_jeab366 wrote
Баба Яга за тобой идёт!
Albinate t1_jeab5j7 wrote
one chicken leg too many but the art is great
[deleted] t1_jeabpi3 wrote
nutsaur t1_jeacfho wrote
House of brown, now sit down.
frogmuffins t1_jead60x wrote
QFG!!! I knew I had heard that before, had to look it up.
Just don't stand underneath the hut when uttering the incantation.
Igor_Kozyrev t1_jead7z1 wrote
Canonically it's called "hut on chicken legs", plural.
schmaxboverdugie t1_jeae055 wrote
Baba Casa
[deleted] t1_jeae28z wrote
[deleted] t1_jeae5dv wrote
xannmax t1_jeaegof wrote
I read that as Baby Yaga.
Draw a Baby Yaga now.
nutsaur t1_jeaf6r8 wrote
What a game.
They set the bar pretty high with what a RPG could be.
Lost_Way7698 t1_jeafcrd wrote
Love this, the detailing is amazing 😍
iamrikaka t1_jeaht0y wrote
Indeed! My baba always told me the tale before sleep. Good times. But yeah, it’s deffo yagas house
Zachariot88 t1_jeajwre wrote
I can't wait to see Keanu kill people with his walking house in John Wick 5.
frogmuffins t1_jealove wrote
I couldn't even guess the hundreds of hours(thousands?) I spent beating this game not once(Hero's Quest) but twice(QFG rerelease) and for each of the 3 hero classes.
Captain_skulls t1_jeam7e5 wrote
Uhh… I think your house is leaking.
Nerdialismo t1_jean7of wrote
C'mon look at those legs, dayum!
Pangolinponce t1_jeans7m wrote
Every time I see her “house”, I worry about what the HOA will say.
rwinftw t1_jeap602 wrote
Sleep token vibes
velifer t1_jeapniv wrote
That whole Baba Yaga thing in John Wick is just dumb writing.
It's like describing Santa Claus as a guy who breaks into your house and steals your milk and cookies.
The myths and stories around Baba Yaga are a lot more complex than "Russian boogyman."
Igor_Kozyrev t1_jeaqjjv wrote
> It's like describing Santa Claus as a guy who breaks into your house and steals your milk and cookies.
have you seen Violent Night?
The2500 t1_jeaqkhl wrote
CatapultedCorpse t1_jeauaeq wrote
Blood we drunk, flesh we ate
gt_ride t1_jeav8dv wrote
Reminds me of the hut in The Witcher series
J_Uzi05 t1_jeawgo6 wrote
McScreebs t1_jeawzla wrote
It’s a werehouse!
repost_bot_666 t1_jeaxz76 wrote
TIL Jack Skellington's house and Baba Jagas' house have a lot in common. I dig it.
doomguysearlobe t1_jeayh5p wrote
I remember this from that one scooby do episode
SwampWitch1985 t1_jeb2j5x wrote
Omg I did too. I was like does the house have more growing to do or...?
BannedCauseRetard t1_jeb4p83 wrote
Lunar diplomacy 👀
shogunhitotiri t1_jeb5o84 wrote
Cacasta t1_jebbjdo wrote
Fourth time within two days I have repeatedly come across Baba Yaga's house.
Nightingaile t1_jebcnfh wrote
Well, that would be because they're pulling from the same real world lore.
Nightingaile t1_jebcxol wrote
Since people keep referencing other media they've seen this in, like RuneScape, John Wick, The Witcher, etc, here's the Wikipedia page for the origin:
Tallman985 t1_jebffz1 wrote
Baba Yaga got the best rune shop in gielinor
hampuskarlsson03 t1_jebfjy3 wrote
Ayo that would be a sick tattoo
sparkle_pudding t1_jebgfac wrote
Monster House
eRazorVL t1_jebinu3 wrote
Well and that baba yaga is a female, literally granny yaga. When I first heard this shit in John Wick, I couldn't believe it, it was so stupid
KarateKid72 t1_jebjayv wrote
Yaga skipping leg day.
transdimensionalmeme t1_jebmgc0 wrote
That should be a monster in Valheim
[deleted] t1_jebnnwh wrote
amitym t1_jebpk4d wrote
She's in there though.
F_l_u_f_fy t1_jebr6jj wrote
Moonclan island gang
Maguffin42 t1_jebskax wrote
I am totally enamored of illustrations of the Baba Yaga hut, and am currently constructing a new coop for my hens to look like it. The legs will be a challenge!
Piperplays t1_jebwxrn wrote
I too shit logs sometimes.
Koothbert t1_jebyafh wrote
CaptainCygni t1_jec01pu wrote
All I think about when seeing this is Monster House
MissVulpix t1_jec1f8d wrote
Love this!
RoadHustler t1_jec1tgf wrote
House head is looking stranger and stranger these days.
sricer t1_jec2ui1 wrote
I was trying to remember where I've seen this and bingo, memories came rushing back in right when I read this comment haha
DerangedBeaver t1_jec3lnn wrote
The_Eye_of_Ra t1_jec5z5m wrote
Is this by Ralph Steadman? It certainly looks like his work.
The_Eye_of_Ra t1_jec6dib wrote
It’s just the Hellboy version that has one leg. The old folk tales use the plural “legs”.
RegentYeti t1_jec7ww4 wrote
Pitch meeting had a great take on this.
three_y_chromosomes t1_jec8bgz wrote
Haha yes!! I'm so glad other people remember this!
Kuz_Iztacmizton t1_jecaame wrote
That's how ancient slavic people buried their dead. They built tiny huts on the tree trunks ("chicken legs"). Baba Yaga lives in a grave.
BlueberrySans89 t1_jecbw6n wrote
Were you sent, or do you come by your own free will?
Lemmii t1_jecd6x0 wrote
Finna play smite now
rayo2010 t1_jecdotm wrote
Atomic Heart chicken 🐔
Cashatoo t1_jecemru wrote
Now do Baba Jenga
JimiSlew3 t1_jechv2p wrote
I read it as Baba Jaeger and fully expected a House on Chicken legs in the style of Pacific Rim.
[deleted] t1_jeciyss wrote
heapsion t1_jecjyso wrote
House bird *
[deleted] t1_jecl83e wrote
Sam-Gunn t1_jecnf7v wrote
Also Tomb Raider, and Atomic Heart.
[deleted] t1_jecolxs wrote
SmAll_boi7 t1_jecpk3w wrote
Always loved the story of Baba Yaga, great artwork
uselessinfobot t1_jecql1q wrote
Russian folklore is amazing. Anyone who really wants to dive in should check out Alexander Afanasyev's collection of Russian Fairy Tales.
Anchovies-and-cheese t1_jectc2u wrote
Hut of brown, now sit down!
FlipDaddy t1_jecu9dp wrote
Moonclan isle gang
WojosMojo t1_jeczcvw wrote
Very cool. I never knew this, thanks. Today I learned….
LickingSmegma t1_jeczhop wrote
Yeah, it's like saying: “President Biden”.
[deleted] t1_jed0hdf wrote
SlapTrap69 t1_jed3vv5 wrote
Yea in fact the house is kinda a goofy character in a bunch of our cartoons
sreeko1 t1_jed5qwy wrote
Yohn wick
Mainttech t1_jed7jl2 wrote
drdildamesh t1_jed7ln8 wrote
Howls Moving Cabin In The Woods.
[deleted] t1_jede4mu wrote
GrushdevaHots t1_jedgpyg wrote
More like Baba Jenga
OmegaX123 t1_jedi4og wrote
Putcha house on chicken legs away, Waltuh.
Pestilence95 t1_jedjg6z wrote
Loved that section in Rise of the Tomb Raider
jj_is_watching13 t1_jedjnaf wrote
Bitch I’m baba yaga with my cutter up
RagaZool t1_jedjyov wrote
You're fucked, enjoy
Igor_Kozyrev t1_jedlc3b wrote
Ha! That literally explains it! I was so irritated the first time I've seen this movie, the baba yaga use was so dumb.
raptor102888 t1_jedlf2a wrote
Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut
Turn your front to me, hut, hut
RobotFingers4U t1_jedm6xq wrote
Mad maze? Mid 90’s.
fajko98 t1_jednsx6 wrote
Not hers. Jaga's house has only 1 leg!
MrChunky22 t1_jednvn2 wrote
This my shit bro
Sir_Anth t1_jedov1m wrote
Exactly, at least the Tomb Raider triology did Baba Yaga right! Man those games were good.
throwedaway00 t1_jedrdhj wrote
Baba Casa
Trarmp t1_jedrdo3 wrote
Hell House
SwordInStone t1_jedvyq6 wrote
Maybe she is ulting
tom333444 t1_jedw6sx wrote
My thoughts lmao
ahpathy t1_jedy7hb wrote
Smite as well!
NotDiCaprio t1_jedyawp wrote
Is this a new Fromsoftware boss? House-mimic?
quartertopi t1_jedzskx wrote
Turn your front to me. Hut. Hut.
DHonnor t1_jee2cek wrote
Imagine if the one in Runescape was like this.
CJ_Slayer t1_jee51ea wrote
I remember this thing in Rise of the Tomb Raider after Lara gets high on Datura. That was badass.
anima99 t1_jee58u2 wrote
The Boogeyman?
2meterrichard t1_jee9qju wrote
>The myths and stories around Baba Yaga are a lot more complex than "Russian boogyman."
Them calling Wick Baba Yaga was also way more complex than in the sueface. Yes. He was the monster the mob sent to kill the boogeyman. But he was also known to occasionally let people go. Even help them in the same ways the myth Baba Yaga could actually be helpful to those who come into her house.
2meterrichard t1_jee9u8i wrote
Where is /u/awildsketchappears when you need them?
moshpitmonster t1_jee9zc0 wrote
Looks like the illustration could be by @strange_house on insta
naytreox t1_jeeax1g wrote
Seems counter productive
Juusto-Jones OP t1_jeebggv wrote
Yeah that's me :-)
PeskyPurple t1_jeebvbe wrote
I wish I could give uou more than one up vote. I feel like I'm the only one that loved those games. 1, 2, 4 (not 3 as much). They got overshadowed by kings quest. I still play intro music, and a version of Eranas peace, on my piano.
No_Regret289 t1_jeegva3 wrote
Looks like the howls moving castle house!
buttbugle t1_jeehaop wrote
Is that house pooping?
BusierMold58 t1_jeeihlh wrote
So, Jaga has to put new furniture in her house as well as repairs every time she moves? I guess it's not much work if you can use spells though.
haikusbot t1_jeeiioo wrote
So, Jaga has to put
New furniture in her house
Every time she moves?
- BusierMold58
^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^Learn more about me.
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Corgiverse t1_jeemv0p wrote
I have a similar one! I love it.‘it’s my favorite tattoo and makes me smile every time I see it
Obvious_wombat t1_jeenepm wrote
Redo it with wooden blocks - Baba Jenga
moshpitmonster t1_jeepiyn wrote
Awesome, beautiful work <3
itsethansj t1_jeeppag wrote
My friend has this exactly tattoo? How random to happen upon it
flawlessqwe t1_jef0hxr wrote
Damn thats so good
funwillfunwill t1_jefex7t wrote
She chillin
DanganJ t1_jeffamu wrote
There's that John Wick for you, walking around on chicken legs.
fat_idiot69 t1_jefn3bg wrote
Cant even live in oklahoma
Spank86 t1_jefwqlh wrote
Now the Maroon 5 song "moves like Yaga" makes a lot more sense.
Angryfunnydog t1_jefzc47 wrote
That’s nearly not as dumb as making wick Belarusian with the real name of JARDANI? Wtf? They couldn’t Google standard Slavic names lol?
Angryfunnydog t1_jeg04jy wrote
This doesn’t explain why they took female character instead of male character of the same traits. It’s essentially as imagine a Greek badass bearded killer who everyone is afraid of and his badass nickname is Athena, as he always wins lol
I think Koschei would’ve worked better. He’s also more of a scary boogeyman than Yaga.
Angryfunnydog t1_jeg08ik wrote
Imagined badass music while the huge chicken house is walking
I_might_be_weasel t1_jea4oe1 wrote
House, where are you going? House, stop!