Dieselthedragon t1_ir77yh6 wrote
Yooo i want this as sleeves for my cards
simian_fold t1_ir79imf wrote
Absolutely love this, its so cool
Therealladyboneyard t1_ir7a6fr wrote
A bit of Durer meets Casper?! That’d be great wrapping paper pattern, etc. It’s very cool
Mausoleumia t1_ir7ebuj wrote
A fun piece, neat
MostExellentFailure t1_ir7oo4v wrote
Ghost reference!
TurrPhennirPhan t1_ir7r3n1 wrote
Just wanna be, wanna bewitch you in the moonlight…
PaulStallOnTheWall t1_ir7teu4 wrote
I want to make fabric out of this 😍
Very cool 💀
ThrottleAway t1_ir7v5we wrote
Oh man I’m so happy to see this! Your Beware the Moon is one of my favorites. (I use it for my phone screen) Now I know where to direct people when they show interest! I dig your work!
worldsSecondBestDad t1_ir7yxpm wrote
Every year I use you art as my halloween Lock Screen art! Love your stuff!
RxAffliction t1_ir81hl4 wrote
"Prance Forward!"
GreenFeather05 t1_ir83sug wrote
How do I get a buttonup shirt with these designs? Love your work.
dreckqin OP t1_ir84gyy wrote
Thanks! You can get a few of my designs from wicked clothes.
RustleUrJ1mm1es t1_ir84s8v wrote
I’d use this for some dope wrapping paper!
everyvoicelistening t1_ir855v7 wrote
This would make a sick tattoo
Steezywild12 t1_ir857ov wrote
I want it on a blanket for cold october nights
man_on_the_metro t1_ir86qf8 wrote
I knew someone would come here and trigger me. I got so frustrated that some people couldn't reliably do that mechanic
Spider1132 t1_ir88t5e wrote
It just needs to be cut so that when I choose tile as my wallpaper option, it makes a continuous image.
DufresneShitTunnel t1_ir89x55 wrote
....until i read this I thought he was saying "be with you in the moonlight" but saying it weird.
I'm a dumbass.
DufresneShitTunnel t1_ir8a0co wrote
New phone background who dis
dreckqin OP t1_ir8a35y wrote
Hi, I'm Derek.
WeirdDayThrowAway987 t1_ir8agpk wrote
I don't know much about art, but I know what I like, and I really fuckin like this.
dreckqin OP t1_ir8alpi wrote
I don't know much about art either but I'm glad you like this!
anonymouse092 t1_ir8bizl wrote
Gonna use this as my Halloween wallpaper.
aCynicalMind t1_ir8eg12 wrote
Guilty_As_Charged__ t1_ir8ejz9 wrote
Very spooky. I'm sure r/halloween would love it.
theillestnino t1_ir8glvf wrote
I love it. It also reminds me of Iron Maiden's Dance of Death. Awesome song
trashymob t1_ir8gp4l wrote
PatioDaddios t1_ir8ixog wrote
I was thinking the same thing! It would be great fabric, or paste up wallpaper
JuanNeverDoesThat t1_ir8kiat wrote
Just wanna be, Wanna bewitch you, One last time in the ancient rite.
atreides----- t1_ir8na13 wrote
Let me just say that I am a huge Ghost fan and literally just realized this like 4 days before you after finally looking up the lyrics. Goodluck on Griftwood!
atreides----- t1_ir8ngm4 wrote
But the lyric sheet shows it as "wanna bewitch you one last time with me tonight " so... I dunno man.
EDIT: This is interesting, so it seems to be between last rite and with me tonight depending on what site you use. But I think this guy is right, I think it is in the ancient right. Thanks,
Euphoric_Ad8766 t1_ir8qmhn wrote
You'll soon be hearing the chime....
DJ_Molten_Lava t1_ir8r02g wrote
I want to get this tattooed on me
JediMasterDusty t1_ir8rqcu wrote
poopwetpoop t1_ir8rt0s wrote
[deleted] t1_ir8tklj wrote
SmallpoxAu t1_ir8tsx9 wrote
Yep, I thought the same thing for several weeks, then looked it up and felt like an idiot lol.
Areolas_Grande t1_ir8v70r wrote
I've been using this art you made as my phone background for over a year now. Love your stuff!
Atomic_ad t1_ir8x419 wrote
Everything Ghost does is a reference. I like Ghost, but everything they do is in reference to something that came before, be it cover songs, poetry, mythology.
[deleted] t1_ir8x542 wrote
Ryanz_OMFG t1_ir904nj wrote
This would make a sick wallpaper. I need an ultra wide screen version
The_New_Spagora t1_ir91ik3 wrote
Great job! Do you have an IG? Either way, following on here. Love your style!
ETA: I guess if I’d read your profile prior to commenting I would’ve answered my own question 🤦♀️☺️
Dry-Gulch-Slim t1_ir94g2g wrote
Oh good fucking lord. Step outside your weird bubble and learn some culture.
oldschoolrock95 t1_ir96m95 wrote
oldschoolrock95 t1_ir96rye wrote
I always seem to find Ghost fans in the most random of posts on Reddit lol. Wish I had more friends that listened to them
[deleted] t1_ir9751i wrote
Nurse_Deer_Oliver t1_ir97ss5 wrote
This mechanic was so dumb but I loved it
Koopanique t1_ir9959l wrote
I find the seamless tileability of this picture satisfying
Barattolo_Sensei t1_ir9asyw wrote
A1000eisn1 t1_ir9fefo wrote
That was my first thought. I used to make repeating patterns like this to recolor stuff in The Sims.
Twenty_Seven t1_ir9fjzz wrote
People talking about Ghost but whenever I see Danse Macabre, all I can think of is The Faint. Such an underrated band.
thesuperpigeon t1_ir9oix4 wrote
Spooky ahh wallpaper
xnootxnootx t1_ir9qa25 wrote
I don't know anything about Ghost but there's a song called Dance Macabre by a band called Cousin Boneless and it has serious Halloween vibes.
Oh, were we here for the art? Oh yeah, thats great too!
MathieuBibi t1_ir9sp30 wrote
Would be an amazing wallpaper for a room
animpossiblepopsicle t1_ir9t6xq wrote
Just went through your whole post history, really love your stuff!
kangareddit t1_ir9tax4 wrote
Ah yes, I fondly recall the days gone by playing the Undead army in Warhammer. Vanhel's Danse Macabre is a power 1 Necromantic Magic spell. It has a range of 36".
vereliberi t1_ir9tbd1 wrote
Very cool fun and funky fresh!!!!! As a violinist tho I'll have to mirror it before I use it as my wallpaper 😂
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_ir9uw94 wrote
I love it.
CIeric t1_ir9wx1y wrote
I said the exact same thing to my mother when we saw Ghost live a few years ago. She corrected me and patted me on the head for being stupid as hell
SkyezOpen t1_ir9z8pv wrote
Yup. Love em. They're unique, but not original.
OakLegs t1_ir9zply wrote
Me too, but it is obviously intentional that it could be taken both ways
MostExellentFailure t1_ira1p1o wrote
💀💀💀 what kind of culture should I learn, oh wizened one?
Dry-Gulch-Slim t1_ira20ij wrote
As a start, that "Danse Macabre" is far older than some godawful rock band.
Mcnugget_buddy t1_ira3qqt wrote
Reminds me of Hell Boys art style
dreckqin OP t1_ira3vkf wrote
Love Mike Mignola!
hail_to_the_beef t1_ira4f5w wrote
Badass! May I use as my October phone wallpaper?
dreckqin OP t1_ira4h34 wrote
kieranluke626 t1_ira6rpy wrote
Hey! I don’t mean to presume you’re not, but if the artist allows it maybe think about tipping/ paying them if you’re using their art for anything!
PleasantAmphibian101 t1_ira87tw wrote
Looks great! Love the colour scheme too! I love this
MostExellentFailure t1_ira8afp wrote
And you’re the one telling ME to step out of the bubble! So focused on your worldview that you immediately spout hatred when someone makes an innocent mistake.
worldsSecondBestDad t1_iraaetn wrote
Definitely! OP please drop your tip jar link.
kieranluke626 t1_irae2k3 wrote
Thank you for taking that lightly and not having a go! Just from a struggling artist, I know a lot of people don’t think about it :). Have a good day.
Volkboxhero t1_irahn7w wrote
Boogie down!
saltwatersting t1_irai30f wrote
Very cool. Love the colors.
But also… i can’t help but feel the image should be flipped bc violins are usually played other handed; i know it’s not a violin/is just two bones but still!
Vanta_Black_006 t1_irajhk4 wrote
informativebitching t1_irama4a wrote
Great album by The Faint
[deleted] t1_iramxbx wrote
clicktrackh3art t1_irapdh2 wrote
Also the name of a faint album!
Thaddeus206 t1_irarzd3 wrote
quite well done!
KingoftheMongoose t1_irasf5i wrote
Whenever I see Danse Macabre, all I can hear is Camille Saint-Saëns, just like everyone else!
Rhinoturds t1_irath98 wrote
I was just thinking it would fit perfectly as a bed cover or wallpaper in a kid's room from the Adam's family. Great pattern.
Important-Tea0 t1_irav9ho wrote
making this my phone background!
dreckqin OP t1_iraxspn wrote
I was a little concerned when I first read it.
Lost_Way7698 t1_irb09qq wrote
I would have this as a wallpaper
Classy_Keemstar t1_irb5eg1 wrote
I want this on a skateboard
youknowiactafool t1_irbe02x wrote
Alors on Danse Macabre Edition
ThePurpleMister t1_irbg48l wrote
Me and the Bois at 3am
NeverUsesPunctuation t1_irbgymm wrote
Sashay left! Prance forward!
notinmywheelhouse t1_irc3yut wrote
Love it! One of my favorite pieces of music!
ghostwriter556 t1_ir77cps wrote
Nice work. I remember loving the slideshow in music class set to this piece of music that they would show every Halloween.