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Scako t1_itj9biu wrote

This is awesome, well done


TheWolvis t1_itjqfds wrote

Dude on the left straight outta a horror movie


Wilddog73 t1_itju1iz wrote

I'd love to hear a story to this.


The_Jone_Knower t1_itk1n06 wrote

This speaks to my soul. Perhaps you can further capture the creature that plagues me...that vile Jone.


Osiraith t1_itk3uxf wrote

Not really, actually. That photo doesn't look like it's been through a fire, only has fire on the people. And the faces don't have any burn details on this one, completely different vibe tbh.


wileecoyote1969 t1_itk531h wrote

Imperfections were spot-on enough that it had me confused for quite a bit if this were possibly real. Good job


VoidFlowers_ t1_itkbq1n wrote

I agree with the others, I also had to follow on Instagram after seeing some more of your work. I followed with my art account so it shall never be empty and devoid of such utter dread, secured myself a seat there! Amazing work, I very much appreciate varieties of modern digital art forms such as edits of the classic originals. Keep it up!


RenzoARG t1_itkbybk wrote

Stalking your profiles. You're sick in the head... And I love that you express it, instead of suppressing it.


roy20050 t1_itkdj6q wrote

Photo taken at the exact moment a nuke exploded.


textaline t1_itke1tb wrote

Who's making a purchase? Meeeeeee! Just bought a 1902 victorian home year and a half ago. THIS is what my walls scream for. Your work is amazing and strikes a chord in my soul. Thank you.


GreasyPeter t1_itkhm66 wrote

Can I actually pass on seeing this image and go back to the part where I hadn't?


lejocu t1_itkihjt wrote

(Me attempting to make one up):

That morning, of all mornings, the shine of the sun was so profound that any eye throwing caution to the wind to stare into it’s majestic rays was almost instantly blinded. It was fortuitous then for not many souls were awake that morning. On the day all the satellites fell from the sky.

Most remember memorializing the events. While some do not even remember past that morning, their world was to be bathed in constant darkness for their folly. The uncommonly bright sunrise, and even the descent of the satellites, would not be the only events to cast shadows over the Wilson family abode that day.


ThtGuyTho t1_itkkql7 wrote

I love this, checked out you IG, your work is absolutely amazing!


Creeping-Beauty t1_itkqoiy wrote

I thought this could have been a still from the one of the Sinister films. Great job!


belleayreski2 t1_itku6vp wrote

Damn, I read your title and thought that it was the people who were dragged from the fire and I was going to see a photo of them


-JuicyJay- t1_itkw2k6 wrote

I gotta ask, are the shadows and details on the paper also manipulations to am original picture. This is so cool but I'm having trouble seeing what's legitimate and what's the edit.


likeasirmace t1_itkxikk wrote

some final destination shite right there


CrazyBunnyChick t1_itl6ale wrote

So is this photo real and you just touched it up? Or is it a piece of fiction?


[deleted] t1_itlapbl wrote

Welp, I didn’t need to sleep tonight


dragoono t1_itlp0rp wrote

I just realized I have like 3 of your photos on my phone that I’ve used for wallpaper, not knowing they were all done by the same person. Damn! I love your style!


textaline t1_itm0hum wrote

There's a spot for discount code....I don't want it because you totally deserve full price and more. I'm just astounded at your work. Thank you! Point of me saying that was...that is a nice feature. Hugs


LeeroyM OP t1_itn6sr6 wrote

Basically the original photo was just people in their living room, no burn marks at all, they were all added by me. I also added/manipulated shadows.


Barnestownlife t1_itn98qg wrote

Following you on Instagram. I'd love to use one of your lmages for an upcoming album cover, they are perfect!


kitsune900 t1_itnazx1 wrote

I feel like looking at this is going to give me a curse


man_pan_man1 t1_itnd8n7 wrote

Of the time of my viewing of this picture it has 6666 likes....


Qwerty177 t1_itngm0v wrote

The small holes are too crisp/detailed, they look like scaled down versions of the bigger ones.


TheMashedAvenger t1_itnil2i wrote

i dont really see how the shadows are where they are....