Submitted by GenericOnlineName t3_ydznr9 in creepy
centrifuge_destroyer t1_itv7s4t wrote
Oh no! A heaven mimic
Slurms_McKensei t1_itvdidu wrote
[frantic DM-note-taking noises]
Wingmaster6 t1_itvhxug wrote
I just banish it
Slurms_McKensei t1_itvi4ys wrote
I dont think you quite understand the charisma score of AN ENTIRE RELIGIONS HEAVEN
Wingmaster6 t1_itvi863 wrote
I’m a 20th level bard
Slurms_McKensei t1_itvjxnu wrote
Then you don't have access to the spell banishment.
Wingmaster6 t1_itvkljx wrote
Absolutely do! Magical secrets babbbbby!
henney22 t1_itvuh9w wrote
What if the heaven mimic casts 20th level counter spell
Wingmaster6 t1_itvxbii wrote
The wizard will counterspell their counterspell
henney22 t1_itw53nv wrote
Damm can't argue that logic
Jayccob t1_itwdelf wrote
What if the heaven mimic can cast counterspell at will though? It could then return the favor to the wizard, potential causing the infamous counterspell feedback loop.
Would that count as a victory as long as there is always some person there to cast counterspell? I feel that would create a new religion where people become priests and make pilgrimages to this place to take up the holy duty of casting counterspell at the sky for like a week then rotate out.
TequilaWhiskey t1_itwypqc wrote
And then of course the counter cult claiming the old relegion is a false god and oh no were back in 40k
Phadryn t1_ity8d7g wrote
The mimic uses a legendary action to counterspell the wizards counterspell
[deleted] t1_itywtbi wrote
Jarvoman t1_itwxvi3 wrote
Well the highest you can cast that is 9th but have the wizard counterspell their counterspell or you use your reaction to cancel their counterspell with your own counterspell if you prepped it.
A_Martian_Potato t1_ity2f1b wrote
Can you do that? That would imply taking a reaction within your own action.
Jarvoman t1_ity4s62 wrote
Yeah it was ruled you can counterspell a counterspell targeting you original spell casting in sage advice.
sh4d0wm4n2018 t1_ity8q4s wrote
And so it continues, that age old debate...
A_Martian_Potato t1_itzqqf8 wrote
Ah. I see this is well trodden ground. I've been playing ttrpgs for ages but my current campaign is the first time I've played DnD.
sh4d0wm4n2018 t1_iu1jqp5 wrote
It's been an argument for longer than I've been alive lol
The idea that you can cast two spells (main spell and counter spell) simultaneously without a feat baffles some people.
(Sometimes I feel like this is the main reason you are only allowed one reaction per round of combat.)
[deleted] t1_itvl7b3 wrote
FaustusC t1_itwz713 wrote
No, but they can still seduce it. It's gotta have at least one hole.
Slurms_McKensei t1_itxtkha wrote
......are you sure you wanna do that?
You are NOT going to like how mimics procreate in my world.
FaustusC t1_itxtvj8 wrote
I'm a bard.
It's alive.
Slurms_McKensei t1_itxw4f8 wrote
Oh you won't be a bard for long, so that's not really the issue...
[deleted] t1_itxl30f wrote
HIs4HotSauce t1_itxvwjj wrote
Well that changes everything…
Phaze357 t1_ity896e wrote
Last game I played, our DM had been working us up to this big battle with some ice giant thing. He would 3D print stuff to make it more immersive and paint the models. He'd printed this thing in multiple sections at 5% infill. It was between 1 and 2 feet tall. Painted it, looked pretty badass. One of us banished it before he could even have it attack us. He just sat there for a moment trying to figure out if he wanted to be mad or laugh at the fact that he'd spent weeks printing this thing only for it to get wiped out before even attacking us. To insult to injury he'd left it in his trunk after that and his girlfriend went to toss a backpack or something in there. He just heard a loud crunch. 5% infill is pretty weak. It was a goner.
I still laugh when I think about the situation. The "you've got to be fucking kidding me" look on his face was priceless.
buttbugle t1_itznp4b wrote
Doing that is a tad bit of a jerk way of playing. Yes a player can just banish the creature and end the fight right at the very beginning. Bravo. At least let the person that went through all the trouble of setting up the story get through their opening. They are playing too.
Mastercomix07 t1_itvb6iz wrote
Ah I see, you're a man of culture as well
traumaqueen1128 t1_itvq04i wrote
This is what I came here for.
CCoolant t1_itwdsk0 wrote
sweats in La-Mulana
Neat_Narwhal_5012 t1_iu0b8h9 wrote
They were tricked
[deleted] t1_itwcv76 wrote
JowettMcPepper t1_itzptx0 wrote
>A heaven mimic
And it's actually... Ohio
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