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pab_guy t1_iu118xr wrote

Cool pic OP!

The feathers really stuck out for me as I was just reading this morning that mothman apparently has leathery, bat-like wings... which I hadn't really heard before. That's not to criticize your pic for having feathers, just thought it was interesting.


5inthepink5inthepink t1_iu18pav wrote

Strikes me as more of a winged owlbear. Doesn't make it any less badass


Outrageous-Light3813 OP t1_iu1btrj wrote

Back to both of you it kinda does have owl like features cause I always thought the Mothman could’ve been some huge owl or something as most cryptids or myths are real things just blown out of proportion And I do appreciate both of you as well!


5inthepink5inthepink t1_iu251uu wrote

Very interesting theory! I think you're right that from Bigfoot, to the wendigo spirits, to every other kind of cryptid, the concept would've been born from the original creators' own life experiences and observations. A big scary owl half glimpsed at night could certainly have been the inspiration for something as inexplicable and otherworldly as the mothman


Snowbank_Lake t1_iu2i4hd wrote

I definitely made the owl connection, and I do think it’s the most reasonable explanation. I like that you worked that into the design!