Submitted by artandsuchevan t3_yjabwr in creepy
Big_Signature_1818 t1_iun09qh wrote
Hephaestus_God t1_iun3goc wrote
There is only 1 pun though
WeekendLazy t1_iun3z8x wrote
wears waldo
Ironpenguin2006 t1_iun4cfw wrote
Well childhood ruined
DrSousaphone t1_iun5utm wrote
You joke, but he'd totally sign on for this.
MangoBawls t1_iunaok9 wrote
Great use of puns
Pocket-Sandwich t1_iunbbhn wrote
That tagline is perfect. This is really cool!
Holiday-Doughnut-602 t1_iunc3ni wrote
Great idea!.
artandsuchevan OP t1_iuncfm6 wrote
Thanks so much!
YukiPrincesss t1_iund3e1 wrote
Oop 😶
squirelrepublic t1_iundawi wrote
Yea he loves starring in a quirky indie movies
MuchAndMore t1_iunenlq wrote
Scp 4885
VenoBot t1_iunfnb6 wrote
I agree!! This tagline is fire 🔥
drive-me-crazy_A988s t1_iunheys wrote
tagline is great
Nevermemory t1_iunknp8 wrote
not sure why but I find this funny 😆
KazyuPrime t1_iunmli1 wrote
My brother and I dressed up as Waldo for Halloween yesterday. Nobody at our workplaces knew who we were and called us “Christmas Elves”.
BadlyGeneratedHuman t1_iunnjli wrote
Ok but I'd watch the hell out of this
artandsuchevan OP t1_iunou81 wrote
Hahaha oh no 🤦♂️
TheUnchainedTitan t1_iunrxc4 wrote
The punchline at the end is top shelf. Well done.
Mutoniumortalis t1_iuntw3r wrote
Harry Potter's been through some stuff, huh
thewholerobot t1_iunwoqy wrote
Release date?
grewuponaflarm t1_iunx32q wrote
came to make sure you got credited for this! glad you're the poster.
__Stoicatplay88 t1_iuo0mdb wrote
You misspelled Wally
artandsuchevan OP t1_iuo0vtf wrote
In America he’s called Waldo for some reason 🤷♂️
My theory is that Wally and Waldo were twins separated at birth and they have been searching the world for each other ever since
artandsuchevan OP t1_iuo2716 wrote
Thanks for your addition to this edition 👍
Ihavelongintestines t1_iuo9vfs wrote
Holy shit
rufiooooo_ t1_iuob605 wrote
Why wasn't this a Spooktober contestant?!?
mnj1213 t1_iuofym4 wrote
I said this exact phrase in my head and came here to comment, but you beat me to it!
[deleted] t1_iuogpxv wrote
Zxar12 t1_iuogs6l wrote
I love these kinds of movies...Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, The Banana Splits, Benny Loves you...someone must take on the concept. I think you have an awesome movie in the works.
IlluminatiWaldo t1_iuokbqm wrote
With a squel to the new horror franchise Carving Sandiego.
TerrorDahveed t1_iuol6ki wrote
Waldo was doing a press tour/book signings for his latest book until his gps led him astray and his electric car gave him range anxiety. A quick charge in a Texas town turned out to be a fatal mistake.
capn_ed t1_iuos5x8 wrote
I bet it would be good, if he agreed to do it.
ProgressiveOverlorde t1_iuoxlb2 wrote
He's starting to become Elijah wood
Spartan1278 t1_iuoyrav wrote
My buddy and I back in 2008 made a short film about this concept lol. It was good.
[deleted] t1_iupasro wrote
[deleted] t1_iupfifd wrote
Redbullgnardude t1_iupqycr wrote
This just funny lol
iRox24 t1_iuprjhs wrote
I love that Leatherface literally wears them. He doesn't make a costume that looks like them, he just hunts them and wears them. So wholesome.
iRox24 t1_iuprna0 wrote
Childhood enhanced* Leatherface be gettin' better than on my childhood days!
the-perverse-one t1_iupvg17 wrote
Don't you love it when you think a thing in reaction to a post on reddit, and it's the top comment already? Makes you feel less alone in the world.
RobotSlaps t1_iupvxez wrote
Waldo is great as a slasher, he always hides in plain sight, noone can pick him out in a crowd.
grasshoppa80 t1_iupyrxw wrote
He was in an amazing true/inspired movie about a guy who goes on a hike with buds but gets lost. Crazy journey and he really seemed to push his body to the limits, a la Bale style for “the Machinist”
Cheifloaded t1_iuq06s6 wrote
Blumhouse: has entered the chat
Expletivelyyours t1_iuq35pm wrote
What the fuuuck? I literally said "starring Daniel Radcliffe" as I opened comments. I'm an NPC aren't I?
Moist_Metal_7376 t1_iuq807u wrote
Thru Dudleys skin, i bet
Jackster10101 t1_iuqdhn6 wrote
I will never except that name, his name is wally
Sqwirelle t1_iuqhctb wrote
Now you should do Wares Waldo, a cute story about Waldo opening a hardware store.
David_Good_Enough t1_iuqmb4i wrote
There was also the one where he just plays a dead guy.
Ketel1Kenobi t1_iuqnn8a wrote
Ironpenguin2006 t1_iuqs5ei wrote
OK now that I think about it I would pay to watch that if it were a movie
Lord_Dupo t1_iuqt1oc wrote
Also guns akimbo, where he wakes up in bear-paw slippers with fucking guns bolted to his hands.
Lord_Dupo t1_iuqt29l wrote
That film is phenomenal
escrowbanker t1_iuqxlvo wrote
Find him before he finds YOU!
sunburn95 t1_iuqym52 wrote
"Hello Netflix.."
darkshadow237 t1_iur035b wrote
This looks impressive. I bet you did a second one of this, but change the name from Waldo to Wally.
ihavethebestmarriage t1_iur1615 wrote
Until_Morning t1_iur4n24 wrote
Straight to DVD.
phayke2 t1_iur4yrv wrote
It's funny cause I'm American and I've seen some Wally's. Never a Waldo.
rogerworkman623 t1_iur5lak wrote
Separate train of thought, but Where’s Waldo makes me very nostalgic. Whenever I see him mentioned, I want to go look at a Where’s Waldo book.
ijustwanttobeanon t1_iurbc9s wrote
Oh WEARS Waldo! Okay. Leatherface. Wears. Yup, got it now.
Fisherpike t1_iurc8z0 wrote
Really smart tagline and idea
crab_theory t1_iurdb5x wrote
Please delete. this is terrifying
ajhcraft t1_iuriq2l wrote
Swiss Army Man, such a weird movie
CommentToBeDeleted t1_ius9iya wrote
You don't find him... he finds you.
howard4tex t1_iuus0oc wrote
very cool!
Little_Setting t1_iuy0d8x wrote
Human-demon t1_iwdv1ap wrote
What the hell is wrong with Waldo I don’t know should we go now ya let’s go before we die u he’s following us let’s run!
artandsuchevan OP t1_iump9sk wrote
Had to draw this concept poster after a friend’s typo led to this great idea