Therealladyboneyard t1_iv25bmb wrote
I’m proving how old I am, “Zed is dead, man.”
FilthiestParrot t1_iv25g07 wrote
I love your work. Mind if I use something as a tattoo in the future?
GummyTumor t1_iv291ij wrote
Makes me think of Freaky Fred, the nauuuughty barber, from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Dinosaur-Man304 t1_iv2mfgj wrote
A little too happy
Just_Expendable t1_iv2t3ux wrote
Did Zed just graduate from grad school? That's how everyone looks while saying "everything is good. I'm fine. Really. "
wongtonfui t1_iv2t5id wrote
Damn man this is awesome!
DrSousaphone t1_iv2tg0y wrote
I'm happy that Zed's happy, but maybe he should tone it down a bit? I don't think grins are supposed to get that big.
PigsCanFly2day t1_iv2uf4r wrote
So awesome.
TaySwaysBottomBitch t1_iv2zgvn wrote
Hello I say my name is Zed, and I've been very... naaaaaaughtyyyy.
animeaddect20 t1_iv32819 wrote
Looks amazing good job.
Saywhat-foolio t1_iv382t0 wrote
You really conveyed happy here. 9/10
UnkownPlayer3 t1_iv3jvri wrote
He looks like one of the people that visit me sometimes
Plantiacaholic t1_iv42gk9 wrote
Thank god!
rollingyourrick t1_iv4osh5 wrote
Who's that?
artistsneezy t1_iv501z1 wrote
well drawn
CrazyCaper t1_iv5ecn2 wrote
Awesome job
ChupacabrAAA117 t1_iv5n3x0 wrote
League of legends…
stucckonread t1_ivsqh67 wrote
he sure is......
masterpainimeanbetty t1_iv22ba9 wrote
Finally, someone is giving a nice smile for Picture Day. Thank you, Zed.