Wrongnessmaximus t1_iwa6p7y wrote
It's almost that time for him to start beating the shit out of the bad kids. Then, stealing away with the really bad ones, as i understand it.
LeeroyM OP t1_iwasb8j wrote
Gotta love the holidays!
DuploJamaal t1_iwb52gk wrote
DuploJamaal t1_iwb53ur wrote
Ever visited the Alps to fight with them?
Lost_Way7698 t1_iwbhq1k wrote
I love krampus, I go to Whitby yearly for the krampulauf celebration
AspiringOccultist4 t1_iwbopy5 wrote
This is absolutely amazing. 10/10.
ccReptilelord t1_iwccy5q wrote
How bad are they when he torches their tree?
AgentBroccoli t1_iwcr7wt wrote
You really gotta dry that tree out before Krampus comes to town!
Sbuxshlee t1_iwegq98 wrote
That's just a warning.
Sbuxshlee t1_iwehbii wrote
Good lord
LeeroyM OP t1_iw9t1zn wrote
By me, all my info here.