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Big_Signature_1818 t1_iwdn0wh wrote

If it’s in a word or in the book, you can’t get rid of the babadook it seems.


Optymistyk t1_iwdshzf wrote

I think this was the scariest movie I've ever seen. Or at least that's just how I remember it


that_johngirl t1_iwe9mdd wrote

What a cool idea! Would make a brilliant stocking stuffer.


thesamsquench t1_iwecjh9 wrote

Watched this movie on shrooms with 2 of my buddies before they went to college. Shit was visceral as hell.


SP4RK4RT t1_iwedie4 wrote

When the monster is revealed to be the manifestation of mental illness, and you realize the monster doesn't just exist in the "reel" world, but the "real" world, that's when the movie terrified me, and became one of my favorite horror movies.


VictimOfCrickets t1_iwefxi6 wrote

That's excellently done! Are you new to leather working, or is this just a little side project? It's fantastic, either way!


kswades OP t1_iwegyur wrote

Thank you. I have been leatherworking on and off for a couple of years now. I started a business last year (Ashen Relics) making journals/bookmarks and leather art. It is a really fun medium and I enjoy it thoroughly.


ebriose t1_iweue5u wrote

It's really interesting to me that the face looks almost exactly like a Sri Lankan "plague" mask that's used ritually to ward off diseases


neburselasor t1_iwf7ziv wrote

Do you have an Etsy shop? I would love one!


anonymous_cabbage4 t1_iwfnjll wrote

A post above this one about a baking mishap,from r/wellthatsucks, look really similar to this one.


writteninrunes t1_iwfr8oo wrote

I've never been afraid of the dark.. but this fn movie ruined me! And the movie isn't even good! 😭


StrongStyleDemon t1_iwfxlqq wrote

If its in a Book when you Look

Its is the Black Bookmark

of Babadook!


fluency t1_iwgb7er wrote

No, a metaphor for unprocessed trauma. The ending where she accepts the Babadook, keeps it in the basement and feeds it, the line «you can’t get rid of the Babadook,» all of it presents as a metaphor for the process of working through trauma and grief. In the end, she accepts the darkness of her trauma as a part of herself.


GoddamnJiveTurkey t1_iwge3l4 wrote

Absolutely. The movie was about grief and loss - it wasn’t necessarily a horror movie. I watched it expecting something spooky and got something completely different. People that watched the whole thing and still didn’t get the message make me want to bang my head against a wall.


GoddamnJiveTurkey t1_iwgechw wrote

You can’t get rid of it, but you can learn to tame it. And it’ll flare up, act angry, try to take over your life again, but you learn to put it back in that basement time after time.


Festering_Prayer t1_iwgi184 wrote

There's more writing scratched into his chest. "You'll see him ?????? book"


kswades OP t1_iwgri07 wrote

I actually started with myth and religious figures. Saints, goddesses, etc. I believe I have an Athena bookmark on the Etsy. The first thing I made when I started the business was Ishtar/Inanna. My main interest is myth and religion so it felt like a logical combination.


sirbenjaminG t1_iwgrptt wrote

Movie stunk for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


JohnnyBlaize420 t1_iwh0ztq wrote

It’s about both in a way, her grief turned to hatred of her own child so much so that it developed into her hating regretting and despising her child because he’s all that is left after the loss of her husband, this is why the kid appears extra annoying to us it’s because we see what she sees. At the end she realizes that it’s apart of her for she’ll always miss her husband so she feeds it and keeps it at bay and controls her hate and anger and sadness. Very impactful and beautiful film tbh.


kswades OP t1_iwh2pbp wrote

This is really the reason I started the company and would love to. I was commissioned for a Hestia altar piece (post history) recently. I take custom orders. DM me and we can talk specifics. I went to school for Religious Studies and have a personal pagan/animist practice. Trying to bring these archetypes to life if endlessly rewarding. I appreciate your time.


Zoelith t1_iwh2z5d wrote

I just bought one, thank you!!


Zakkattack86 t1_iwh956s wrote

I actually have one of the original produced pop up books signed by the director. Last time I checked they were going for over $1,000. I paid $50 for the Kickstarter campaign.


HubblePie t1_iwhhslx wrote

Perfect for a good LGBTQ+ Book!


gbru015 t1_iwhiuvu wrote

Me too. I don’t know exactly why it scared me so much. I watch a lot of horror and haven’t been actually scared to be in the dark afterwards since I was maybe 12. I was 33 when I saw Babadook and I slept with the lights on for 2 weeks.


sprantermitt t1_iwhospk wrote

So... just seeing this now... did the word Babadook come from A BAD BOOK? Just moved the second B to the front?


Chok3U t1_iwivl9s wrote

So fucking cool