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EstherLuvsZ t1_iz0nusp wrote

Looks like my sleep paralysis demon (looks really good btw)


Raven_stxy t1_iz0x4k4 wrote

Whoever did this hats off. Keep um coming


Thelisto t1_iz0xm4h wrote

Where do you usually start your artwork from? The bottom, top, sides, corners, random?


Aethelingas22 t1_iz0z7ba wrote

Wednesday Addams herself would approve!


Yiamu t1_iz16rub wrote

It is Wednesday


adviceKiwi t1_iz1982a wrote

Oh no Danny and his yawning ghosts


Verona_Pixie t1_iz1ak3d wrote

This sort of reminded me of those super old books, I think they were called "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark".


Guataguano t1_iz1cedc wrote

Nightmare edition. Well done.


SideWinder18 t1_iz1i8r3 wrote

I can always tell when it’s Danny just be the mouth


shinyhypocrisy t1_iz1jw98 wrote

This is truly incredible... and terrifying. Great job!!


SambaLando t1_iz1jyne wrote

I shudder to think what Monday looks like.


Sawses t1_iz1ku4c wrote

Ordinarily I'd go ":( )".

This time...It fits and looks visually distinct from the usual gaping mouth I see on here. Well done! I'd recommend adding a little wear and tear to the buttons, to match the raggedness of her collar.


deloreaninatardis t1_iz1llqj wrote

Wednesday, but she needs to eat a reeeeeally tall burger in front of her


Kriss3d t1_iz1uzo9 wrote

You know.. I bet she would.

My youngest daughter have watched some of the episodes. She love it. I love that the wensday from the 1990 movies - Christina ricci, is in this series. Great camero.


Kriss3d t1_iz1v3kb wrote

Full of woe indeed...


Bubba-jones t1_iz1yoif wrote

Wednesday seemed awfully concerned about people getting murdered at her school.


vango911 t1_iz24svx wrote

This looks exactly like one of my sleep paralysis demons. Only diffrence is that mine wore a hosptial gown.

Full story if anyone is interested: was in a dream and running away from somthing (don't remeber what) and then thought to myself this is just a dream, I can just fly away from this. I then fucked up somehow and woke up with sleep paralysis somthing that regularly happens to me so was not to phased. But then I hear whispering. I look at mu bedroom floor and this bitch is sitting there with her back to me playing with her hands, whispering and rocking backwards and forwards. She then turns around and starts pointing behind me and whispering louder. I refused to look to my right for fear of what she could be pointing at. I shut my eyes for 5-10 seconds and she was gone. I then used my breathing method to break out of the paralysis and didn't go back to sleep for the rest of the night.


CrazyinLull t1_iz27fjp wrote

This is awesome! What did you use to do it?


ChocolateBit t1_iz28qfu wrote

More like me on a Monday amiright!

Just kidding, it looks awesome, I love the details


Rico7122914 t1_iz2c757 wrote

Looks better than that new show. I'd watch


TinyBurbz t1_iz2ie7o wrote

No it's not your artwork.


MadLucy t1_iz2k3kv wrote

I really enjoy the… sticky, ripped stretch, like her head just lifted off and left the bottom jaw behind. Different vibe than the “big mouth” art. Lighting and texture are amazing as usual! Her eyes are very enthralling, that they seem to be looking directly at you, even though they’re glazed and milky. The broken-up bottom lip is particularly off-putting, I think it’s the little bit of shine! Oof! She’s terrible! I love it!


tazzerer t1_iz2osnr wrote

Perfect. Just about my size.


johnny2hands2 t1_iz2ulta wrote

I wish the new show was as amazing as ur art, mad props to u.


HeyBuB123 t1_iz2var9 wrote

Watching this show on Netflix right now


CoolGuyBabz t1_iz2zcac wrote

Her sloppy toppy would be gorgeous with that massive mouth, she could probably fit like 17 dicks in there


Nobuu37 t1_iz3213q wrote

Now do the dance


Drexelhand t1_iz34u74 wrote

"happier with your mouth open."


HendorneEndohRoth t1_iz363kw wrote

Imagine only having one single thing you do in horror and don’t have the creativity to do anything else. Always gaping mouth. Maybe they’re all yawning from boredom.


blooperjim t1_iz363sw wrote

Buddy at the bar took one look and said, “I’d still hit it.”

He explained why after my laughing fit, too.


Jwishh t1_iz3atdx wrote

Completely agreed. The original show is wonderful and fun to watch but clearly made for it’s time, the 90s movies are also wonderful and modernized for their time, and this new show continues that tradition.


Namoric t1_iz3ay37 wrote

That's really really good and I never want to see it again


TenetTendie t1_iz3i3jv wrote

What dat mouth do???? Hopefully get flossed often, take care of your gums people


nothinghxppens t1_iz45nwe wrote

it looks so cool! kinda reminded me of the lady in the painting in the 2017 It movie too


Moochkins t1_iz48vf1 wrote

Every post I see from here is a gaping mouth. Very original.


macj97 t1_iz4915r wrote

Mouth-open drawing again Danny?


MostSir7015 t1_iz6gdew wrote

I have had just about the exact same thing happen to me, expect for she did not speak, nor was she facing away from me. Rather, she was on the edge of bed just starring at me and just as you said, pointing behind me. I felt as if I was going to have a panic attack and practically forced myself to close my eye. Then she disappeared. I see her in dreams sometimes.


nuke905 t1_iz6gmjr wrote

What would you even type in for some of ops artworks!?

They are all scary random uncaptionable pictures

While it may not have been made with actual paint you can still manually make art on computers.


toaster318 t1_izuuk4t wrote

I can't stop looking at this this is absolute horror