Tsusam OP t1_izsq20p wrote
exclaim_bot t1_izsq389 wrote
You're welcome!
JulienBrightside t1_izsr3vl wrote
Really dig the lighting
Tsusam OP t1_izsr7o7 wrote
Based on the legend of the Yule witch. Grýla is a giantess with an appetite for the flesh of mischievous children, whom she cooks in a large pot.
Check out the artwork as a Print and christmas ornament
Tsusam OP t1_izsr8ia wrote
Durpady t1_izsutzw wrote
Ah, so this was the origin of Kryla from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
JenVixen420 t1_izsv0xp wrote
MrSchaudenfreude t1_izsv18u wrote
Where are her Yule trolls
TheMadGraveWoman t1_izsydf6 wrote
I'm starting to have a thing for ugly women.
EzekielTheFreakiel42 t1_izsyldg wrote
Now she needs Leppalúði to go with her!
Buttered_rock65 t1_izsyrim wrote
Looks really cool did you free draw it or use a software? I’m assuming you did use a software what one was it?
Tsusam OP t1_izsz015 wrote
I handpainted it of course.
I_might_be_weasel t1_izt1trb wrote
Also gin.
Peter_101 t1_izt2yeg wrote
Wait so she's the size of that cabin?!
Stonethecrow77 t1_iztc0y3 wrote
Great Notion Brewery has some very similar art work on their cans.
This is very cool.
GoblinTown t1_iztlamd wrote
I really love the colors, this is beautiful.
Lost_Way7698 t1_iztlbw0 wrote
I love the colours in this
Yanurika t1_iztp3w9 wrote
reynardpolson t1_iztzraw wrote
Yule Be Sorry......! 😉
Purple_Kiko t1_izu66wl wrote
She’s just like me fr
Cosmic-Horror-Cat t1_izucr84 wrote
Is that the wife of SCP-4666?
MichianaMan t1_izugjcb wrote
Looks like the cover of a thrash metal album, I love it
poop_dawg t1_izuuk8z wrote
Same. I love the bloom of the light
Electrical_Record_98 t1_izux5ox wrote
Is it just me or does this look AI generated
SenorGhostly t1_izv7h3f wrote
This would make a fun puzzle I think! Cool artwork!
creepyhorrorguy t1_izvbj4x wrote
Really liking that! Awesome
[deleted] t1_izvow2g wrote
Tsusam OP t1_izvqnne wrote
I can assure you I have nothing to do with the AI bs.
Tsusam OP t1_izvr4sq wrote
Thanks. You can check out my instagram -
Tsusam OP t1_izvrj2y wrote
poop_dawg t1_izvzfp1 wrote
Thanks! Beautiful stuff
steelydeely t1_izspye4 wrote
This looks great! I love all things witches - and the style in which you did this is very cool. Thanks for sharing