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t1_j0jbjt0 wrote

As someone who is sexually attracted to end stage anorexia, fish, visually impaired people and worst of all Gingers this picture is something I've already printed out and am being to work with me for my "bathroom break" thanks for sharing


t1_j0l9v21 wrote

I was totally with you on this until you mentioned Gingers. Weirdo.


t1_j0latiw wrote

Ya I know it's like the worst shame I carry, but who am I if not a flawed and broken human.


t1_j0jq87t wrote

Under the sea

Under the sea

Nothing is wetter

Flesh eating terror

Under the sea


t1_j0kz4p9 wrote

Looks like a Coraline character


t1_j0k8idb wrote

Methany? Is that you? My vcr is missing, did you borrow it?


t1_j0mn1y1 wrote

I'm 100% certain I smoked a cigarette with this mermaid at the DMV.


t1_j0mn57g wrote

This is what I imagined the mermaid in the courtyard of Empis looked like in Stephen Kings Fairy Tale.


t1_j0jru4r wrote

Was AI involved with this?


t1_j0k3qa9 wrote

Fair question, not just for this image but for so many images on Reddit in the past few months. Funny how suddenly there is a surge of images that look AI-created where there were none before, followed by a surge of people saying "I didn't use AI, I swear," even though they have no track record of similar art.


t1_j0ly6z8 wrote

As a big fan of Weird Al, I keep thinking people are talking about him when referencing A.I. technologies. It makes for some very odd double takes on my part.


t1_j0k6un4 wrote

They tried to make the first mermaid ever to exist. The most state of the art technology and the brightest minds to ever exist were gathered in the newist and high tech lab on the planet. And who better to make then the most recognizable one. They got her personality down perfectly....but she was severely mutated and disfigured. She is now cast aside,locked deep below and she will never understand why.


t1_j0kev1h wrote

Rise with the sun and wander the earth!


t1_j0ki23g wrote

Apparently, Ursula asked for...well, everything.


t1_j0l6reg wrote

Reminds me of Mr Burns from the episode where he's being mistaken for an alien. "I bring love."


t1_j0lvswo wrote

Just makes me think of the SpongeBob "Need Water" meme from the episode of SpongeBob SquarePants where SpongeBob and Patrick visit Sandy in her dome.


t1_j0m0sie wrote

I take it back. I'd much prefer her being black lol. 90s Ariel got that dessication drip.


t1_j0mv393 wrote

What really happens when Ariel stays out of the water too long