DeDerpQueen t1_j280ktd wrote
Got scared for a moment cause I looked up from my phone and saw something move. I’m camping right now 😃
F_I_N_E_ t1_j285gol wrote
PeteCarre t1_j289303 wrote
Triggered memories of the "The Ritual" (2017) movie 🦌
MagpieRabbit t1_j28bjwr wrote
Come on in, there’s plenty of room to snuggle
Nicely_Colored_Cards t1_j28dzjh wrote
Sit. Leshy wants to play a game.
TheGreatGayWizard t1_j28fml8 wrote
My uncle isnt scary
boobsmcgraw t1_j28h0cj wrote
I really enjoyed that movie, wby?
PeteCarre t1_j28hoyo wrote
Same! I find it very hard to find a decent modern horror movie on Netflix nowadays I can stand to the very end. It was a nice exception and I liked the atmosphere and the wilderness setting a lot!
iambuckykoh t1_j28jm6h wrote
You know what’s worst? The moment I see this coming toward me, I would instinctively run full speed and try tackling it to the ground. The only problem is, I’m in my tent, I would have left my boots outside and socks on a slippery smooth tent floor = me falling face first on the floor. My last image would be this creature looking down at me……
RealizeDerealization t1_j28ml18 wrote
Looks like the guy from S3 E5 of Regular Show
Danasai t1_j28nq26 wrote
Pretty sure this is the beginning of an erotica. Why else is the tent already open?
chicknburrito t1_j28oxey wrote
If you zoom in on the moose demon and shake the photo with your finger on mobile, it looks like his body is jiggling.
entropyspiralshape t1_j28p2xy wrote
same. the scene when they wake up in the cabin is so tense.
iCheesehead t1_j28q8et wrote
That reminds me I have to charge up my proton pack.
lemmeseeyourkitties t1_j28rjbu wrote
One of the few cases that the movie was better than the book. Dang I was bummed out when I read the book, but it's cool Netflix got something right
Asaurus1 t1_j28ush5 wrote
Thought I was on r/outerwilds for a second there
will_work_for_twerk t1_j28vho5 wrote
> Yes. Come, Gregory. There is much to be done.
Everyone here talking about The Ritual but I'm over here scared that The Beast found me.
armadillo198 t1_j28ygde wrote
Looks like the demon in the Hannibal TV show
[deleted] t1_j28zy5u wrote
Sea-Initial1760 t1_j2918dp wrote
Yeah, NOPE.
onlycrazypeoplesmile t1_j294of4 wrote
Yups, quality movie, great story telling, cinematography, scenery, lighting, the whole shebang. Loved it, deffo 9/10
moistsandwich t1_j294z71 wrote
“Hey dude, if you’re going to bed could you please make sure that your fire is fully extinguished. This has been an especially dry season so we need to take proper precautions when making campfires in the woods.”
Manejar t1_j29afzb wrote
Oh Step-Wendigo, stop looking at me like that 😏
shadowdash66 t1_j29ax8w wrote
The Beast requires wood for his lamp.
shadowdash66 t1_j29ayxw wrote
10/10 for Immersion
Mr_Storms_ t1_j29csmw wrote
My cryptid boyfriend
thebooshyness t1_j29db6t wrote
This is awesome.
pleb_understudy t1_j29h5zm wrote
Lol the legs took me right out of it. Ruin the effect
MiikuuMcFluffybutt t1_j29ix5f wrote
"Honey, the 3D model from that stock website is back".
Peppe_TheFrog t1_j29k1ia wrote
the regular show creature
SleepyMandalore t1_j29kqxl wrote
Nope nope nope
ncc74656m t1_j29lvpb wrote
*Leshy stops, then starts slowly backing away*
ncc74656m t1_j29lzw1 wrote
JJMcGee83 t1_j29on0a wrote
Is this from a movie? I looks great.
LeeroyM OP t1_j29q5fn wrote
Nope I made it, thank you tho!
JJMcGee83 t1_j29qfz6 wrote
Oh wow, it looks photo real.
[deleted] t1_j29wr5f wrote
LeeroyM OP t1_j29y7v0 wrote
Very enjoyable flick!
obaananana t1_j29zjn2 wrote
Nice camping buddy. Bro i said we aint sharing the only sleeping bag.
Brainkandle t1_j2a0tz5 wrote
The beast!
We're here for your turts!
Brainkandle t1_j2a0wi1 wrote
No beast!
randomredditing t1_j2a140x wrote
That’s no Nomai
Xuncu t1_j2a28om wrote
"Sooooo...... We yiffing or what?"
BlowTorchPliers t1_j2a2jtt wrote
You haven’t played the DLC I guess.
Foxel_Solari t1_j2a3uvk wrote
The new Rocky and Bullwinkle looking mighty spooky
cryfest t1_j2a4fj1 wrote
Haha very 2009 video gamey
mykulFritz t1_j2a64ai wrote
Okay, see, this is exactly why I don’t go camping because of things like this. Very well done.
Asaurus1 t1_j2adai9 wrote
Owlk see myself out then :-P
shadowdash66 t1_j2aken6 wrote
No need for violence Woodsman. But make sure to keep it lit, or your daughters flame will go out.
Brainkandle t1_j2aks5v wrote
Man.. I watch every autumn/fall and the whole production just sticks to my psyche like molasses. That's a rock fact. Love love love OTGW
SHN00SHN00 t1_j2apmok wrote
Winds Howling.
DaftV t1_j2apy4v wrote
Gotta get dat wendussy...
DaftV t1_j2aq28d wrote
Lemme bust that wendussy wide open...
Shlalice t1_j2aqmwo wrote
Is that you sweet tooth?
WritingTheDream t1_j2ascsb wrote
drklunk t1_j2avrjl wrote
One time I "synthesized" LSA using Morning Glory seeds, took a bunch of it camping, this is essentially how that night went
mckchase t1_j2ayu58 wrote
Try one without the red eyes, I think it would be even scarier. Awesome stuff though!
GreenRiver1982 t1_j2azn61 wrote
Wendigo or Leshy?
[deleted] t1_j2b11jp wrote
Galileo258 t1_j2b1564 wrote
Just spam yrden and use relict oil.
Rain_Rope t1_j2b59bx wrote
my first thought was the beast
im_not_a_crook t1_j2b8423 wrote
The wendigo.
Sweet_Taurus0728 t1_j2b8c6b wrote
Or Hannibal, the show.
BobJohnes t1_j2b9tf4 wrote
Where the shotgun
crabwhisperer t1_j2ba98b wrote
Growing up in a rural area with woods, that movie awakened so many fears from my childhood. Looking out my bedroom window at night, seeing things move in the moonlight between the trees, I'm pretty sure that thing lived in our woods
Riusakii t1_j2bbsk4 wrote
"This is my design."
Riusakii t1_j2bbyuc wrote
"This is my design."
I_Have_Sagma t1_j2bcpum wrote
In that case get out of your comfort zone and advance towards him. Somebody needs a hug
DelphinusT t1_j2bd0dk wrote
Silver for Monsters intensifies
okisCyrus t1_j2bihsb wrote
me in my parents door telling them i threw up
mamrieatepainttt t1_j2bkgtz wrote
i've watched it 4 times because i had to show everyone i knew. i truly think it's one of the best original horror films in the past 10 years.
mamrieatepainttt t1_j2bkml1 wrote
my bb Jotunn
moldyhands t1_j2bmalh wrote
Just zip up the tent and you’ll be all safe.
[deleted] t1_j2bp78a wrote
10_Eyes_8_Truths t1_j2bpx38 wrote
oh great now Leshy is the one being hunted
I_Have_Sagma t1_j2bqncw wrote
I'f that's the case I'd love to be hunted for affection also
Cereal-Grapist t1_j2bqxta wrote
alliseeiszombies t1_j2bs7ga wrote
I can hear it breathing
ToyotaCorrolaa t1_j2btoy3 wrote
"Spoon me, dammit! It's cold!"
BlargHonkBlargHonkBl t1_j2c0rxz wrote
My phone screen is cracked so the eyes kept changing from red to nothing as im scrolling lol
Benergy7 t1_j2c24du wrote
bro's just coming to extinguish your light
theskyistarless t1_j2c2sgm wrote
It’s the demon of the trident!!
hematite2 t1_j2c5n69 wrote
Also the Jotunn is absolutely peak monster design for a horror movie.
Dana07620 t1_j2c6cts wrote
As someone who camped, that would give me nightmares.
Though something like this wasn't the reason that I had an air horn, knife, bear spray and a 9mm within reach when I did solo camping as a female.
Pittedstee t1_j2c8ck3 wrote
The bug netting on this tent looks useless lol.
jlbglifonia t1_j2c8y5y wrote
NICE getting real good Rusty Lake vibes on this one, chief
quimis_ t1_j2c9hdp wrote
my boyfriend!
Danaman2001 t1_j2ca02a wrote
Are they coming to cuddle?!
Illustrious-Culture5 t1_j2ca9un wrote
Jotunn the best unique looking monster!
Fun-Sized-Turtle t1_j2cfneo wrote
Reddit during the day: ✨❤️😍🤟🎶
Reddit at night: 🔥🤬🗡️👻🦌
KindVerdugo t1_j2cmwe4 wrote
"You decided to stay one more night"
"but you should've known, Wendigo"
cryingscreamingcry t1_j2cmz1t wrote
grackens are chill dw
Dana07620 t1_j2cn4i3 wrote
The Hunter from The Book of Atrix Wolfe by Patricia A. McKillip.
ghosthunting97 t1_j2cnm3p wrote
Can't even go camping in ohio
[deleted] t1_j2cnvtg wrote
Psychotic_EGG t1_j2cny3g wrote
I have you in my sights.
Psychotic_EGG t1_j2co4nh wrote
I like your comment. But that fog says everything is damp AF.
dr_leo_marvin t1_j2cqfwu wrote
That movie was absolutely terrifying. I think about it often.
Adams1973 t1_j2crvzy wrote
Galloping shadows between the fire and the tent.
Deathbypoosnoo t1_j2cto60 wrote
Ole skinwalker would of gotten 6 rounds of double ought buck and 10 rounds of .45 acp thrown at it.
of_patrol_bot t1_j2ctosr wrote
Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.
It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.
Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.
Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.
LeeroyM OP t1_j27z13c wrote
All my info here.