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Darkrain0629 t1_j6dt6o6 wrote

That's a seriously majestic picture but it's crazy to think that polar bear is just thinking "I'm gonna kill you mother fuc-"


ZelRonso t1_j6duc29 wrote

Say your prayers right there bc unless you have ship in tow that's the last photo you'll ever take.


KuroOni t1_j6e33ts wrote

Beautiful picture, but you won't be able to convince me to swap places with the photographer even if the picture would be worth billions.


drakonlily t1_j6e5cys wrote

Polar bears are no joke, they can stalk prey for miles before striking. Imagine turning around and seeing that. Wonder if he had to change his pants when he got to safety.


blueskies1800 t1_j6ejcca wrote

Can't complain. This bear is doing what it is supposed to do.


Fleaslayer t1_j6eqajp wrote

Last picture found on a camera roll


benhaube t1_j6eqkdu wrote

This looks photoshoped. I really hope it is, anyway.


RichCorinthian t1_j6et2a4 wrote

This reminds me of the footage Timothy Treadwell took hours before his death that includes the bear that ate him. Watch Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man for an amazing story of a total idiot.


Germanofthebored t1_j6etwky wrote

That picture looks seriously wide-angle to me. Which would put the photographer awfully close to the edge of that water hole. No wonder the image is a bit blurry - there must have been a load of camera shake (and photographer shake)


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6ex4qf wrote

Yeahā€¦sorry, but people who say that donā€™t understand how big a billion is.

I mean I get it, you can pretend like thereā€™s a list of things you would and wouldnā€™t do for billions of dollars for the memes, but at the end of the day anyone seriously offered it would take it regardless of what they think theyā€™d do hypothetically.

Weā€™re talking everyone youā€™ve ever cared about and everyone you ever could care about could be financially set for life and retire immediately, and youā€™d still have hundreds of millions of dollars to help the charities or causes of your choice. Youā€™d take a pic of a polar bear for that and frankly nothing you say on the internet is going to convince me otherwise lmao


445nm t1_j6ex9v2 wrote

No one said you can't take a gun.

For a billion, you can probably take the bloody pictures from within an APC with machineguns and stuff.

Unless people show up and say that these can't even tickle bears because bears are literal gods or something.


KuroOni t1_j6ey4m7 wrote

given that this bear is very clearly stalking the photographer, I am assuming it is the kind of lens that needs you to get up close to that beast. And since AFAIK polar bears avoid getting close to humans I don't think there is any safehouse in the area.


Hope you can outrun a polar bear because I am not sure even usain bolt in his prime will be able to.


chewy201 t1_j6f0dra wrote

Can't spend it if you're dead. So it doesn't mater just how big a billion is as 1,000,000,000 is as useful as 1 to a dead man. That billion will also still be right where the dead man left it, in the middle of a frozen wasteland if not at the bottom on the ocean making it still worthless to your next of kin or anyone else.


Meanderthaller t1_j6f3nv3 wrote

This picture looks so badly photoshopped or is it just me.


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6f56sk wrote

What a bizarre set of assumptions and mental gymnastics to avoid the obvious lmao.

But regardless, if you think someone was going to hand you a billion dollars in the middle of the arctic you DEFINITELY donā€™t understand how much a billion dollars is lmfao, so at least we confirmed that much


PHILOSOMATIQA t1_j6fev3x wrote

That's like a double quarter pound of nope right there.


Scp0490 t1_j6fok85 wrote

Why did it look like a mountain at first is that just me or am I seeing things


MoFansMoMoney t1_j6fqacr wrote

how did he escape with his life?and the picture?


SirGlenn t1_j6fvaz3 wrote

I heard my dog barking like insane mad, I ran out my back door and my face was a foot away from a black bear's face: I slammed my door on the black bear, went around the corner in my kitchen, looked out the window as the black bear ran fast as a black bear can run, into the woods: a polar bear would have made me, his lunch.


Iheardyoubutsowhat t1_j6fvoca wrote

Not really, the polar bear part is right, but the rest is bs. Alot of black bears are brown, and some brown bears are black. You are better served by judging a bears ear positions. If they are back or pinned, they mean to do damage. If they are up, the are posturing and bluffing, and a calm back down is appropriate.


Capital_Pea t1_j6fz7rh wrote

That is fucking nightmare fuel right there, polar bears are not a bear to be messed with or be anywhere in the vicinity of.


Sparrowbuck t1_j6fz8u9 wrote

Hahah no they donā€™t. Theyā€™ll go wherever they like, humans or no.

They will 100% stalk and eat people. Anything that moves = food. Seals or carrion or garbage are usually just easier food.


fuqdisshite t1_j6fzzik wrote

the point is that if you are ever ANYWHERE and you see a polar bear watching you, you are now food. they do not waste energy following something that will not provide a source of food. obviously this photog is prepared, maybe a snowmobile sitting behind him, but this is the exception, not the rule.


fuqdisshite t1_j6g07nh wrote

i firmly believe that he fed the woman to the bears and ultimately sacrificed himself. it has been a while since i watched but there are a few things that really set me on that path way back when it first came out.


Lethal_Opossum t1_j6g07sh wrote

I mean, they're kind of out there starving to death. Bet that reporter is looking pretty tasty.


TikkiTakiTomtom t1_j6g0n9b wrote

Just trap it underneath the iceā€¦ itā€™s a polar bear not an icebreaker shipā€¦


KuroOni t1_j6g2fqp wrote

Well, as it turns out, from a quick google search (an actual expert might jump in and correct me because as we all know google is not a cery reliable scientifically accurate source). Polar bears do in fact avoid humans when possible so my statement is indeed true, according to the same sources, they would rather hunt what they are used to hunt aka seals because they run less, they fight less, they look less intimidating and less "alien" than us humans.

Due to human activities and climate change, they are sometimes forced to take more risks by going close to humans to get food but they still prefer to keep their distance unless they really need food.

So no they don't just jump at anything that moves unless they are desperate. It is similar with a lot of other predators as well, they try to avoid people too.


cirenj t1_j6g397z wrote

Sir we would like to talk to you about your vehicles extended warranty.....


Brianb926 t1_j6g47zt wrote

Last thing that guy saw before his pants turned brown and he became dinner.


Jse034 t1_j6gcgcu wrote

Sends chills down your spine


Hnt-r t1_j6gd0rq wrote

If you see one it means it wants you to see it and you were selected for prey. No technique that works on other bears works on a Polar Bear - the only thing you can do is try to run away at this point


cdg192 t1_j6ggz2p wrote

Kinda reminds me of the end of the final Hobbit movie where Azog is floating underneath Thorin


wintermute916 t1_j6giovq wrote

Photographer - ā€œglad I wore my brown pantsā€¦ā€


Perpetually_isolated t1_j6gpv06 wrote

That's true. I'm also not seeing many polar bears at Walmart though.

Which is kinda the point. We have giant swaths of land that predators avoid at all costs because they know that we are to be feared as a species.

There are all those soft meaty lethargic people and predators absolutely know better than to get near them.


Fleaslayer t1_j6guprr wrote

Was that like a dozen or more years ago? I seem to remember seeing the pics and it's literally like a few of a mama bear and her cubs, then one of the mama bear standing, looking at the camera, then her coming towards the camera. Like, I wasn't sure if it was a joke - sad though.


darkdark t1_j6gvbo6 wrote

Some say itā€™s still following him to this very day


RagnarTheRed2 t1_j6gw1uz wrote

This has to be one of the scariest pictures I've ever seen.


1Hero1 t1_j6gx54z wrote

At the point you see him, he's probably following you for 2 hours or so.


BlueSunflowers4589 t1_j6gz00s wrote

My irrational fear than any body of water contains a shark just got upgraded.


only_for_browsing t1_j6h19t2 wrote

Fun fact, the original word for bear is lost because people were so afraid that if you said it a bear would show up and eat you, so they used the word that eventually morphed into bear as a euphemism


Perpetually_isolated t1_j6h26rf wrote

Yeah they are one of maybe 2-3 animals on the planet that will see humans as good and not a predator. And the only reason for that is because they live in pretty much the only place humans cannot populate. They see humans as food because they are always starving, and because they never see us.

Weird thing is, we have literally driven them to the brink of extinction and most humans have never even seen one. That's how high we are on the food chain.


AmputatorBot t1_j6h5hbr wrote


lvl1developer t1_j6h7q3v wrote

Bear: Iā€™m here to talk to you about your life insurance


ReplacementRough5190 t1_j6hdtlt wrote

Bear: ā€œI regret to inform you that your application for credit has been rejected, that mole on your foot is malignant and your wife is thinking of leaving you.ā€

Photographer: ā€œWhat the hell?! Why would you, a polar bear, follow me out here for hours in the Arctic just to tell me all that?ā€

Bear: ā€œSorry mate, itā€™s just my job. I hate being the bearer of bad news.ā€


Floxesoffoxes t1_j6hgozx wrote

Oh my God, you just unlocked a forgotten memory for me. I remember being shown this documentary when I was in secondary school. I have no idea why it was shown to us, but I remember being warned to never trust a bear. I live in rural Ireland, it's hardly a problem here.


only_for_browsing t1_j6hjbkq wrote

I'm going off my brother who is almost worryingly obsessed with bears. Apparently ursa and other bear words all came from proto Indo European and all are not the original word for bear, which is lost, because of the fear. He could definitely be wrong but that's how he tells it


dgrant92 t1_j6hoclj wrote

"MMMM...Human....It's "what's for dinner?"!


eyesotope86 t1_j6hxx8r wrote

If Raytheon made earbuds, they'd cost 6.5 million dollars, be made of 45 bucks worth of materials, and the first 3 generations would sound like shit and randomly blow your left ear off.

And the government would use our taxes to buy 450 million pairs.


toxicity187 t1_j6hyhy9 wrote

That's made to look that way and not real right?


FresnoMac t1_j6hzhzw wrote

While in its meaning you can say that (because his gf wasn't really nuts like him, she just got eaten because of her dumb boyfriend) there's no evidence to suggest he sacrificed her literally and then gave himself up.

Dude was just that stupid to believe he had a connection with the bears.


Dwight- t1_j6i0t1v wrote

The picture won the National Geographic prize out of 7,000 other contenders and a $10,000 prizeā€¦

Never mind billions, imagine 10k being the prize! Nowhere near enough!


csward53 t1_j6igox5 wrote

Just think, that bear thinks you are a big seal or walrus that it is waiting to ambush. I don't know how the photographer kept their composure.


elbizzlee t1_j6ily0u wrote

Salt-water croc is about all I can think of to challenge the polar bear. Interesting that in this case we have a croc vs another semi-aquatic so if the battle occurs in or near water, even that wonā€™t be entirely in the crocā€™s advantage.

However, a full-grown saltie will outweigh the polar bear by quite a bit. They are so much more massive than most people realize.


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6kux2w wrote

Giving financial security to everyone I care about and ever could care about forever along with having hundreds of millions of dollars to give to causes I care most about is most definitely worth my life. And frankly I think anyone who feels otherwise is being unbelievably selfish, but thatā€™s just me.


NerdyOwlTX t1_j6kw4f6 wrote

My rage/anxiety always just beneath the surface. Waiting...


jtocwru t1_j6l8hke wrote

I am sleepy, and I thought it said bipolar bear at first glance.


cyanraichu t1_j6l8k76 wrote

That's fair but your earlier comment was "you don't understand how much a million is", not "you should be more altruistic".

People know it's a lot of money.

Also, assuming one went through with that - and you're imo overestimating the courage and selflessness of humans, plus I disagree with your assertion that they're bad people if they don't literally die in this scenario, but I digress - IF you went through with that you'd have to have all the legal stuff set up first to make sure the money went where you want it, not just got taken away because "well you're dead now, that sucks".


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6ldg4w wrote

No thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!! Itā€™s BILLIONS with a B, not millions. I know itā€™s like ā€œyeah thatā€™s a lot of money, millions billions whateverā€ but thatā€™s because you really understand how big of a number it really is, itā€™s hard thing to grasp

And I feel like weā€™re just being pedantic now, I shouldnā€™t have to qualify it with ā€œif all the legal stuff is sortedā€, it should be understood that no oneā€™s risking their life for billions of dollars on a handshake. Like, what are we even doing here? This is getting silly.