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itzpepito t1_j6gnguh wrote

That’s a Mexican mom for you Lmaoo


Mytoesandmyknows t1_j6gnzxc wrote

You should grind them up into a very fine powder and then trick her into eating em.


TheZigRat t1_j6goi7z wrote

My mom saved all my baby teeth.

I just wish she let them fall out naturally first


Troyificus t1_j6h54me wrote

My wife kept all our kids baby teeth in case they need stem cells from them in the future.


Slight-Importance575 t1_j6hsexu wrote

Mine to, found them when we emptied my moms apartment after she moves to the retirement home, my wife think its discusting but I dont know what to do whit them 😅


PistolMama t1_j6i5jhu wrote

I have my kid's teeth. Don't really know what to do with them.

Seriously wtf do I do with all these teeth!


IamChwisss t1_j6ibt5t wrote

My parents saved my teeth. They were really amused when 11 year old me would start collecting and saving the puppy's teeth and putting them with mine.

Not sure what the significance of saving the teeth is. Guess it's just a way for your parents to remember you from a time they really cherished you? Not sure why everyone is grossed out by it. There's way more disgusting things people do on the regular.

I don't plan on saving my kids teeth. But maybe my feelings will change when I have one.


tipsychlo t1_j6ida8i wrote

After reading the replies I think I'm the only one that doesn't keep teeth 🙈


Drulock t1_j6ip9ug wrote

How did they get them back from the Tooth Fairy?


steelcatcpu t1_j6ipdea wrote

I just approve of her taste in Tequila.


ssnabberz t1_j6iq5pp wrote

My dad also did this with my brother and me. Unsure what the appeal is but its kinda sweet


wittyDolphin t1_j6ir3yo wrote

Don’t you have teeth and a lock of hair in a desk drawer for … checks notes summoning a nostalgia golem?


swissiws t1_j6isq7n wrote

I kept all of them for 30+years, then I decided they were just gross and tossed them away


IAlbatross t1_j6ixe6d wrote

I think the vast majority of parents keep their kids' baby teeth and a lock of hair from their first haircut, super common practice, at least in America.


oWinterWhiteo t1_j6j8xm8 wrote

Pour the clase azul in there and let it sit for 30 days. I would be curious to see what happens.


iatealotofcheese t1_j6jco6z wrote

My mon saved my umbilical cord. When I was a teenager she purged a bunch of stuff and asked if I wanted it. Uh, no, thank you.


Jrippan t1_j6ji2jj wrote

Same, my mom kept my teeth and my blond long hair I had as a baby.


gellergreen t1_j6jn7dt wrote

Unfortunately I still have my kids umbilical cord… he’s almost a year and a half. it’s so gross but it feels wrong to throw it out lmao. My partner thinks I’m disgusting.. and he’s right!


TheGunshipLollipop t1_j6jnytr wrote

My wife recently showed my 15 year old son all the baby teeth she'd saved from him in a little sandwich bag.

He looked at it and said "That's some Silence of the Lambs stuff right there."


forw t1_j6jog09 wrote

She paid you for them didn't she?


Crakkerz79 t1_j6jrqkg wrote

I had been saving my kids teeth. But then we had a bunch of them. I never labelled any of them. Still kept them.

Decided to purge our home finally. Including dozens of baggies holding individual teeth.


pwintess_bbg t1_j6jsfon wrote

Your mom is the tooth fairy 💀 🧚‍♀️


Bullehh t1_j6jtd5m wrote

Wait until you find out those aren’t your teeth!


pierce78 t1_j6ju2kd wrote

Are we not supposed to save them?


meave1 t1_j6jv7ub wrote

I kept my kids teeth too.


joaher013 t1_j6jzgxx wrote

I still have some of mine wrapped in paper towel and stuffed in one of those tiny toy football helmets from the quarter machines.


Mushk t1_j6k1we6 wrote

I got mine in a small box somewhere


Catybird618 t1_j6k4lhx wrote

It's a thing us moms do sometimes. My kids think it's weird too.


SmoloTHEKloWn t1_j6k8nci wrote

At least she didn’t put them in a stuffed bears mouth.


UpbeatJohnDoe t1_j6k9fof wrote

My mom gave me my baby teeth for Christmas when I was like 26. Along with all the stuff I made her when I was in kindergarten and elementary school.


mcgregger101 t1_j6k9kez wrote

Smoothest tequila I've ever had is that far right blue and while bottle


jkinman t1_j6k9ma3 wrote

Spoiler alert bro!!!!! Are you saying there’s no tooth ferry?


TryTwiceAsHard t1_j6kczhu wrote

My mom still has my baby teeth. I'm 43. Wtf. I have maybe 1 of my kids but I don't even think so. She has at least 1 or 2 from my boys when they lost them at her house.


Chalkarts t1_j6kd2hi wrote

My mom has mine as well. I want to make a necklace out of them.


Mariah0 t1_j6khqt8 wrote

I kept mine and then I mixed them in with wisdom teeth and they started to smell.


Mindful-O-Melancholy t1_j6kj85r wrote

Same, I think she has a gold capped one from when I was a kid, so my future inheritance is looking up!


QuixoteAQ t1_j6kkayg wrote

I also have a jar of human teeth!


Newmonsters1 t1_j6kkkmp wrote


Me as a guest when I see jars of free snacks lying around


elenaprincisgh t1_j6km9lh wrote

Is this not,,, usual? Is it an italian thing? Is it a my mom thing?


myrighteyeistwitchin t1_j6kr8pu wrote

We do that. It is weird. When cleaning out my parents things mom had 10 or 12. It puzzled me then my daughter says tooth fairy. I got a great laugh. My dad had a molar with a gold filling. We knew that would be there. He would tell us don't you let them burry me with that.


Mariah0 t1_j6ksed2 wrote

I guess if you clean them then they shouldn’t grow bacteria. Mine were covered in saliva and blood from the wisdom tooth surgery and I didn’t clean them. I was grossed out by the smell but I really wish I kept them.


BrashPop t1_j6kslsv wrote

What else are we supposed to do with them! You guys lose SO MANY FUCKING TEETH. There’s teeth all over my house. WHERE DO THEY KEEP GETTING MORE TEETH?!


Cass-hole t1_j6ku0l6 wrote

Looks like she also has a really expensive bottle of tequila


SuperCaffeineDude t1_j6ku2v4 wrote

Keep them until your mother passes I'd say, can chuck them or bury them near her after with any other keepsakes if you're that way inclined.

I get you though, my parents are still middle aged, but I got lots of old crap from my siblings I feel bad chucking away, feels like you're throwing someone's memory away.


obrieno t1_j6ky04c wrote

Baby teeth, like umbilical cords (though less controversial), contain stem cells that can cure diseases and grow replacement tissue and bones in the body. If collected and stored, they can potentially be used to treat diseases that arise when your child gets older or for close family members with serious illness


critic2029 t1_j6ky297 wrote

That’s pretty normal… it would be weirder if moms just threw them in the trash.


Caliesehi t1_j6kyd8h wrote

Do all moms not do this? I know my mom kept mine and I still have my daughter's as well...


TonyDungyHatesOP t1_j6l326w wrote

If you don’t behave, she’ll sell them to a voodoo priestess or pagan witch.


TheEarlyStation22 t1_j6l4d7u wrote

I used to do this. Until my oldest turned into a teenager and I realized I had a glass bottle of teeth for no reason so that was kinda weird and pointless


maison21 t1_j6l9kte wrote

she’s a secret necromancer and she needs both your baby teeth AND your adult teeth to cast a dangerous black magic death spell.

i wouldn’t be in any rooms alone with her, just in case.


beakrake t1_j6lal9u wrote

Go ahead, give 'em a sniff.

You know you're regretfully curious.


critic2029 t1_j6lhyij wrote

That I don’t have an answer for… there should be 20 for a full set. So you’re missing 6. Simplistic explanation is that as you got older you probably didn’t give them to her. (Or get a visit from the fairy.)


Explicit_Tech t1_j6mhr7w wrote

I used to keep my own teeth but I kept losing them. It's nice that she held onto them for this long.


DrSeuss19 t1_j6o28lh wrote

Casual $200 bottle of tequila. Although, I have had some for $60-$70 I like more. Good taste none the less


Minflick t1_j6o4c4y wrote

Mine saved mine too. MIL even gave me a little sterling case to hold our baby's teeth. Yuck. I never used the case from MIL, and when I moved mom into assisted living, I dumped all my teeth and baby hair. Maybe it was a 'thing' in the 50's and 60's? I have no idea, but I did NOT save any of my kids teeth...


Ohheyimmikey t1_j6odfk7 wrote

When I was younger I would put them back in my mouth thinking it would reattach my mom got rid of them after she caught me