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praise_the_hankypank t1_j6w1a9b wrote

No one blinked at the pronunciation of W here? Is this acceptable in the US? Regards the rest of the world


waterside48 t1_j6w4sjl wrote

…how do you pronounce it? it’s literally a double u?


praise_the_hankypank t1_j6wmsx2 wrote

Read what you just wrote again.

The rest of the world pronounces it out fully as in ‘dou-bel-you’. As you say, it’s literally a double U not dub-uh-you lol.

Some countries also say dou-bel-vee.


waterside48 t1_j74xxom wrote

Oh yeah I think that may just be an accent thing or speaking English fluently and shortening words. In certain parts of the US, like the south, it’s more obvious and pronounced like “dub a you”