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sea_dev OP t1_ja8l4ll wrote

I'm a software engineer, but all of my pay raises are from changing companies.

  • I started 2012 working a part time job that would turn full time when I graduated, but I left for another job paying more when I graduated. ($65k salary)
  • In 2013 I left that job and moved to Seattle to work for a large software company. ($100k salary)
  • In 2017 I left that software company for another one. ($135k salary)
  • In 2018 I left that one for another company ($165k salary)
  • In 2022 I left that one for another company ($205k salary)

Every time I switched I also received signing bonuses and every job gave me stock bonuses to supplement my salary.


jh937hfiu3hrhv9 t1_ja8lo7x wrote

Too bad other industries are not so flush with cash to dole out.