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dizziereal t1_j7cnvm3 wrote

6pm - 4am doesn’t mean the parents are sleeping. Our 4 month old normally does a similar schedule but think about all the other household chores. Those still have to get done and good luck getting much production while the little one is awake.

Additionally, I’m sure not all parents are the same but any sleep we get is about a 2 on the 1-10 quality scale.


Data-Queen-3 OP t1_j7cokii wrote

Yeah she wakes up to eat around 930 and then about every 2 hrs after that. I bring her into bed with me from 930 onwards and basically just feed her “In my sleep”. She’s basically sleeping while eating as well. She wakes up to poop every morning around 5am, plays for 15 min or so, then we can usually sleep until 7am, sometimes 8