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Bigfoot34 t1_j7ou1vp wrote

Good for Lebron! What’s crazy too is Kareem only made one 3 pointer in his career and still held it for so long.


dralnulichlord t1_j7pfumv wrote

I don't know too much about the sport, so I am wondering, how is it possible to only have one three pointer in you career (even if they hadn't been introduced at the start of his career)? That seems so unlikely even if you play in a position where you normally don't throw much from far.


Varraid t1_j7q2g40 wrote

Kareem played in the NBA for 10 years before they instituted the 3 point shot. As in the nba didn't have a 3 point shot until 1979. He was drafted 1969.

In fact is was guys like wilt and Kareem that had the nba create the idea of it. Their size and dominance was noted and the 3 pointer was to give smaller people a better chance to score and spread out defenses around the basket. Overall making the game more entertaining.


Kenilwort t1_j7pldha wrote

Same for Shaq. Three pointers just weren't part of many player's skill set.