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latinometrics OP t1_j9uao1o wrote

LatAm (+ some Caribbean) is home to:

  • 3 “full democracies”
  • 9 “flawed democracies”
  • 8 “hybrid regimes”
  • 4 “authoritarian regimes.”

Essentially, a 50/50 split across the report's best two and worst two categories.

How long can the LatAm cling to its status as the world's most democratic emerging region?

Latin America's score has declined for 7 consecutive years, showing the biggest slip among all regions since 2008.

So, what's driving this decline? Lately, it's been three countries. Haiti, El Salvador, and Mexico showed the most significant score declines in the region in 2022.

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Source: EIU

Tools: Affinity designer, Rawgraphs


TechWorker_AI_Maybe t1_j9ubswv wrote

Mexico has all the ingredients to be a top 5 player in the geopolitical arena. All they need is to clean up their government and from there, disband the cartels.


jjelin t1_j9uogvc wrote

"Third most" as if LATAM's average is more than a few pixels ahead of Asia's. These scores are highly subjective, and any close matchups are not meaningfully distinguishable.


Elperrorron t1_j9v5wq5 wrote

Cierto, si le llamamos DEMOCRACIA al hecho de ir a VOTAR por los candidatos que el mismo gobierno y sus aliados políticos escogen.


JN324 t1_j9vfqww wrote

US pressure isn’t the cause, quite the opposite, they overthrew a number of legitimate democracies in favour of dictatorships that aligned with their interests.

They overthrew (all democratically elected) Perón in Argentina, Banzer in Bolivia, Allende in Chile and Arbenz in Guatemala, among many many others, and replaced all of them with US friendly brutal dictatorships.


b1ue_jellybean t1_j9w2sy0 wrote

Bit of a weird way to do it, I’d say Oceania is more democratic than Latin America but that’s just been incorporated into Asia.


Fickr t1_j9w59mh wrote

This couldn't be more far from true.


euchrebot t1_j9w5zjb wrote

Which are the countries down there that keep having rigged elections and coups?


dethblud t1_j9w8oad wrote

This is what I was talking about on OP's other post. Uruguay OWNS the nice end of these graphs. There is not a better place to live in Latin America.


domestic_omnom t1_j9wd3dy wrote

I always see these posts by you and it seems that Uruguay and Chile are always at the top of the metrics. Why is that? What makes Uruguay seemingly better than the rest of LatAm.


gmuslera t1_j9wf8es wrote

Living is not just democracy. It have a pretty high cost of life, and not so high salaries nor so much job opportunities. And if you have enough money and don't need to work (nor are worried about corruption or democracy), other countries, at least at the right cities, may give you a better experience.

Uruguay is not bad, but your mileage may vary.


Still_Map_6376 t1_j9wnxl0 wrote

Actually the US overthrew democracies, see Guatemala in 1954, Operation Condor, multiple interventions in Haiti (and sponsoring Papa Doc's regime), the Big Stick policy, and these are just the most obvious examples.


arturocan t1_j9ww3sg wrote

For starters because Uruguay isn't its neighbours. Due small population everyone knows each other and you can't hide your dirty laundry effectively. Then the neighbours are swimming in rich resources with lots of possibilities to profit for being corrupt. So as result of being less resourcefull, less corrupt, and having more humble begginings with lots of struggle Uruguay developed its own identity and political culture making it a polar opposite on certaint aspects of his "brother" argentina, ending looking something like twins separated at birth.

This is skipping a lot of info but is an understandable summary.


BassMaster516 t1_j9wzhcj wrote

Which countries have more freedoms per eagle than the others? You decide!

This is not data. This is garbage.


justennn t1_j9x6m8f wrote

Kinda invalidates the data when all of Asia (including communist china and socialist Russia) is grouped together with New Zealand and Australia.


RareCodeMonkey t1_j9xbhl3 wrote

Latin America has always had democratic aspirations. Interference by the USA government made that impossible. I hope that the USA realizes that having advanced democratic countries at its borders is better than to funnel money to insurgents or drug cartels.

A developed South would make the American continent a match for Asia.


Intrepid_Lemon8526 t1_j9xlkn2 wrote

Umm Nicaragua has been following the path of Russia where many of the last election’s candidates were arrested on trumped up charges. Real elections haven’t been taking place and free speech is being restricted more and more.


Havoc098 t1_j9xnqev wrote

I genuinely feel so sorry for Mexico. The world's biggest companies are looking to move manufacturing out of China and Mexico is right fucking there. It has so much going for it as the next hub of manufacturing but it won't happen due to the cartels/political system.


Pikkuveli t1_j9xsa1u wrote

How is North America more democratic than Western Europe?

I don't know many countries in Western Europe where gerrymandering is so rampant and the candidate with fewer votes often wins. And yes, I do understand the electoral college system.

But maybe Canada is pulling North America in the right direction.


Bionic_Ferir t1_j9xt0eq wrote

Ah yeah let's lump Australia and New Zealand (and the other Pacific islands) in with countries like China, Myanmar, vietnam, and Indonesia. I feel like this is incredibly unfair as basically Australia+the Pacific region are fairly democratic


Ikkon t1_j9xylne wrote

According to Wikipedia Turkey is classified as Western Europe, which drags the region way down. The difference between NA and WE is still tiny, 8.37 and 8.36 respectively.


Yhamerith t1_j9y4ltr wrote

"Democracy, I love you, I love you, I love you"

Antonio Aras, Brazil


StarryEyedBeardog t1_j9y4pe9 wrote

There's a historic argument that the lack of spanish/portuguese institutions during colonialism in these regions was good for their long-term development. Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica were some of the most ignored and poorest parts of the spanish/portuguese/brazilian empires (Uruguay used to be a brazilian province prior to independence), thus did not inherit the extractivist, cast-based and elite-oriented institutions of the spanish as much as their neighbors, these institutions, one could argue, would be the start of the corruption problems and political strife between the elites that haunts/haunted much of Latin America throughout it's history.

Thus, Chile, Uruguay, and Costa Rica were able to build up their own institutions in a manor that favored development more in the long term and made corruption less present.


TikkiTakiTomtom t1_j9ydak9 wrote

How does one measure democratic-ness or republican-ness as an actual metric used by everyone?…


christian4tal t1_j9ygvhf wrote

  1. The groupings are horrible. Belarus amd Russia are grouped in with EU countries such as Czeck Republic, while Turkey is in WE. This is just gerrymandering for lack of a better word. As a minimum, EU and Asia Pac should have own regions as these are more homogenous.

  2. Weighting, it's a country average not population adjusted. China weighs as much as Singapore. So 1.4 billion oppressed Chinese count as much as a tiny island-state, this is not reflecting the region as a whole. Similarly in Latam and Europe, the smaller countries pull up the average, Luxembourg evens out the democratic disaster that is Russia.


Jankwano t1_j9yhq4l wrote

The English speaking Caribbean countries are even more democratic than the rest in the Latin American basin. From Bahamas in the north to Trinidad and Tobago in the south, all sound democracies.


yellow_edge t1_j9ytlln wrote

With all the subdivisions of regions in other places why the hell would Australia & NZ be lumped in with Asia?


xarsha_93 t1_j9yxtgw wrote

There are a few things playing in Uruguay's favor. One, it's tiny, it has a smaller population than the average capital city in Latin America, and two, most of the population stems from Europeans who came in the 20th century with investment money from Europe.

During the World Wars and whatnot, a lot of Latin America saw an influx of investment because Western Europe was a mess. Countries like Venezuela and Argentina also benefitted from that to varying extents, but Uruguay as a whole was completely changed by that process because the newcomers made up the majority of the population.

Buenos Aires underwent a similar process and if you took just Buenos Aires (which has about the same population as Uruguay), it would rank similarly.


APJYB t1_j9zcerl wrote

Does North America include Mexico in this? If so, why does it have its own bubble and not called “average”.


BadBunnyYonaguni t1_ja0ejh8 wrote

Yeah, but they aren’t emerging democracies. This post isn’t the best.

Also, many countries in LATAM have been democratic for longer than many countries in Europe. This map seems Eurocentric.


QUI-04 t1_ja23gyy wrote

Longer isn’t better (and wouldn’t be emerging democacies). I agree data seems messed up. My point was Oceania is included as Australasia and so are North America and Europe, my guess is for them been compared, but it still doesn’t make sense such comparison.


Enlightened-Beaver t1_ja4gxgr wrote

>disband the cartels

you make it sounds like it’s a walk in the park. The cartels are hyper-militarized, extremely wealthy, extremely violent, and have absolute power in the areas they control. If it was as easy as simply “disbanding” then it would have been done a long time ago.