Submitted by blizzard36 t3_11558uw in dataisbeautiful
Soonerpalmetto88 t1_j8zr4sh wrote
Where is the US? I didn't find us.
Spkr_Freekr t1_j8zradf wrote
Right? How is it even relevant without the US?
blizzard36 OP t1_j8zrgfl wrote
That big spike in firearm availability at the end. I was tempted to number the countries and leave them anonymous, but that was just as cluttered.
Not being able to figure out a way to pick which countries I wanted to call out, while still leaving all the data points in, was my primary frustration working on this tonight. But I haven't done one of these in about 8 years.
Soonerpalmetto88 t1_j8zrh10 wrote
I'm not trying to say every statistic has to include the US I'm just saying we have a horrible gun violence problem and it would be nice to see where we stand with these other countries. This statistic in particular is especially relevant.
ThisIsJustForPornog t1_j8zrw7y wrote
Bro you forgot the label.
PredictorX1 t1_j8zrzyl wrote
Is "homicide rate" specific to firearm homicides?
Clarksp2 t1_j8zs2d3 wrote
US overall would be hard though, since each state has its own gun laws. Some states with the strictest laws have the highest murder rates with firearms, or others have open carry and you see uptick from that as well (any death, in defense or not is considered homicide)
[deleted] t1_j8zs5qb wrote
moondog548 t1_j8zs698 wrote
So only every other country in the graph is labeled?
A line graph is not appropriate for this at all. There's nothing to interpolate "between" countries.
agnishom t1_j8zsa7p wrote
They should have been a scatter plot with two axes
[deleted] t1_j8zsehz wrote
blizzard36 OP t1_j8zsfnx wrote
Should be any reported homicide.
smellytwoshoes t1_j8zspal wrote
Something is not right—your red line keeps hitting the x-axis, producing a lot of zeros.
[deleted] t1_j8zsrb4 wrote
blueranger36 t1_j8zssz9 wrote
Also is this per 100k residents? There’s not enough information here to come to any kind of conclusion.
Competitive-Bit5659 t1_j8zsyz0 wrote
OP posted the source — the US is that final data point. Not every country is labeled. If you look at the very right, you see Yemen labeled. Yemen is third highest gun ownership. Serbia and then the US are the next two (unlabeled) data points.
blizzard36 OP t1_j8zt2pz wrote
I think it's actually every 3rd.
I honestly prefer the raw data tables, much easier to sort. But this format does show the gap at the end well.
surelythisisfree t1_j8zt4n6 wrote
This data representation is not beautiful. It’s the complete wrong kind of graph for representing information like this.
[deleted] t1_j8ztajl wrote
evidica t1_j8ztgrv wrote
It's almost as if when people are armed, they're less likely to be murdered.
blizzard36 OP t1_j8ztqlt wrote
>is this per 100k residents
Yes, it's a source link from the data table referenced.
>There’s not enough information here to come to any kind of conclusion.
A clear read I took was a drop in homicide rate once the availability of firearms gets near 20%. It bounces up and down to greater extremes until then.
MadcapHaskap t1_j8ztsoy wrote
Nope, it's actually the data that when people have guns, the overall murder rate doesn't really change.
KlownPuree t1_j8ztthu wrote
Can you cite your data source(s)?
leigh094 t1_j8ztust wrote
I get it cuz it would be really crowded but it seems really unhelpful not it label every point on a non continuous scale. Also, some point of time reference would be really helpful
evidica t1_j8ztzlj wrote
Looks like arming at least 20% of your population is enough to end a lot of senseless death, but I'm just looking at the data here.
blizzard36 OP t1_j8ztztw wrote
17 datapoints are below 1. With high numbers around 100 showing those small points get real close to 0.
JuzoItami t1_j8zu8up wrote
I would even say it's flat out ugly.
Legendary_Lamb2020 t1_j8zubau wrote
How does a country have higher than 100% ownership? No sources sited. I think this is mostly fabricated.
minionsmimi t1_j8zuh3s wrote
No it's for the countries with almost 0% gun availability that it's on the X. Learn to read the legend at the bottom of the graph. Yes, it's cluttered but I had no problem understanding the data.
FamousConcert1220 t1_j8zukrt wrote
I'm curious where the "firearm %" data is sourced? Is that officially registered firearm ownership?
[deleted] t1_j8zum0x wrote
stataryus t1_j8zunjt wrote
(1) Many countries have near zero with a sixth or less of the US’s guns.
(2) What about accidental gun deaths?
MadcapHaskap t1_j8zuo5t wrote
You should use all the data then, rather than cherry picking a subsample.
TargetMost8136 t1_j8zuob7 wrote
So you’re comparing the US to a bunch of African countries
minionsmimi t1_j8zux4u wrote
It's not exactly pretty, which you freely admit. But you did a very good job laying out the information. You see the most relevant countries data while the lesser known are not labeled. It still gives you the overall data. You did a very good job on it. It clearly shows that countries with more access to guns readily are more likely to have mass violence essentially. Also to what extent compared to gun availability.
evidica t1_j8zv2px wrote
What data am I missing here? Where's a country with high gun ownership and high intentional homicide?
HijacksMissiles t1_j8zv537 wrote
I think the clear conclusion from using all the data is that increased availability of firearms does not increase homicide.
Contrary to all the "common sense" arguments circulating on the subject.
(Provided we accept the source data as true)
OneGuyJeff t1_j8zv60m wrote
OP fucked that up too, that should be # of guns per 100 residents.
MadcapHaskap t1_j8zvaqi wrote
The plural of anecdote isn't data
MagnetWasp t1_j8zvbdc wrote
So your source is a Wikipedia article that has a warning at the top about itself having no sources?
Seems like useful data.
jankyj t1_j8zvcbw wrote
Why is this plotted as a line chart??
MadcapHaskap t1_j8zviiy wrote
I'm not aware of any common sense arguments to the contrary. Gun ownership rates and murder rates are uncorrelated, as you'd expect.
polomarkopolo t1_j8zvuvi wrote
I refuse to believe that the DNC’s rate is that low
HijacksMissiles t1_j8zvyan wrote
You wouldn't believe how many facebook meme level arguments I've seen asserting the opposite.
[deleted] t1_j8zw0im wrote
thats because it looks like this
still a supporter of the 2nd amendment though
blizzard36 OP t1_j8zw2vb wrote
The USA is estimated to have more firearms in private hands than it has citizens. (Mostly because the average firearm owner has at least 4.) That's how.
[deleted] t1_j8zw2zd wrote
Soonerpalmetto88 t1_j8zw5ye wrote
Doesn't the graph from op show all homicides though, not just fun related?
Dull-Hovercraft-409 t1_j8zw7eh wrote
Lol… that was the whole point. Hoping you would not notice that the sample was biased.
[deleted] t1_j8zwcjg wrote
yes his graph is different , was providing a graph based on criteria you were looking for.
OneGuyJeff t1_j8zwigs wrote
At best you can say from this (poorly made) graph is that # of guns is not the only factor in homicide. This proves nothing about gun ownership bringing down homicide. The truth is all countries are different, and they all have different factors that can raise or lower homicide rates.
Cocodriftou t1_j8zwk9l wrote
Sometimes, data is not beautiful
csjerk t1_j8zx3nn wrote
I'm more curious how that country around Kenya has a 90% homicide rate...
[deleted] t1_j8zx56t wrote
Elwoodpdowd87 t1_j8zxacv wrote
Fun related homicides is a controversial subject for sure.
VWMat t1_j8zxvsu wrote
The omit of the US in this is kinda nuts. I hunt, have a concealed carry permit for my state, and own 15 guns. But then there’s the angry 18 year old that acquires a gun. This chart is as bad as our gun laws. Please regulate and overhaul both.
bob-theknob t1_j8zxxsl wrote
Use a scatter chart. Having the name of the country on the x axis isn’t great. It doesn’t show the relationship (or lack of one) between the firearm rate and homicide rate effectively
ThisGuyCrohns t1_j8zy1eu wrote
Sounds like something the NRA would say.
evidica t1_j8zylix wrote
That's fair, also proves the existence of guns doesn't increase homicide either.
CptnYesterday2781 t1_j8zym40 wrote
People are just worried you're trying to take away their fun rights (fun intended).
[deleted] t1_j8zyqi9 wrote
22marks t1_j8zytpb wrote
Many states have higher populations than countries listed. Iceland only has 375,000 people. It wouldn't even be one of the United State's Top 50 cities. They should do a state breakdown.
GaslightingGreenbean t1_j8zyuwv wrote
I always never seen the point in banning guns from the general population. It just never made sense to me.
MadcapHaskap t1_j8zyvuj wrote
The intersection of common sense arguments and facebook memes is the null set.
2_stanley_nickels t1_j8zzucn wrote
This data is not beautiful. How is this a line graph??
[deleted] t1_j900971 wrote
[deleted] t1_j900a4z wrote
I think so too, I'm not sure where the points on the graphs are , it seems that it randomly goes up and down in between the names of countries. For example if you look in between Eritrea and Singapore it is a zig zag between two data points what do all the values in between those two countries mean? For some of these countries I can't even tell if the homicide rate is higher or lower than the country next to it because I have no idea where the data points are.
but assuming the data is actually real , it doesn't look like gun ownership and homicide rate is correlated at all. Just because it is low for the last 5 out of 50 countries on the list even though it was randomly moving up and down for the last 45 countries before that. I would like to see all the countries in the world on one chart as well as a another graph that is ordered by homicide rate.
decent graph overall though
MelbQueermosexual t1_j900fzs wrote
This is shit. Where is each countries firearm availability is it the peak of the trough?
Couldn't have made it shitter to read.
Clarksp2 t1_j900vw6 wrote
Yeah not sure why I was downvoted for saying US is complex enough to not be included in the above graphic and would indeed need its own breakdown
rarebluemonkey t1_j900wqk wrote
These data are not beautiful IMO. This is confusing.
verhegja t1_j900xj5 wrote
They left Switzerland out too, where everyone is required to be trained in firearms and serve in the military in order to gain full citizenship. Selective data in the graph.
Fadedloko t1_j9010ne wrote
It's on page 2, didn't fit here
TheRealWheatKing t1_j9013ii wrote
This is a really bad graph
fourdoorshack t1_j901n62 wrote
would the US skew the data too much?
[deleted] t1_j902lfh wrote
[deleted] t1_j902nuc wrote
technicolordreams t1_j902sp7 wrote
I’m wondering if this post is a bait and switch like if you included America you just wouldn’t be able to see the other countries.
matt7810 t1_j903oye wrote
You should still label the axes, most people won't read the source.
Academic_Coyote_9741 t1_j903wfd wrote
I suspect this is a case of Simpson’s Paradox's_paradox
psps1998 t1_j9048q9 wrote
why is more than half of the data on this sub so poorly displayed
[deleted] t1_j904bxp wrote
[deleted] t1_j904d9x wrote
Aggravating-Score146 t1_j904oe5 wrote
Am I the only one who feels like the average post quality has been suffering for a while?
yourmamaman t1_j904sdo wrote
Most I can get from this is that its' probably not the amount of guns you allow your people to have but who you allow to have them, or what culture/training you have around guns.
But without the US being in this chart it feels intentionally misleading.
arenalr t1_j9050jf wrote
Me too, that chart when broken down shows some pretty interesting info. Germany for example has quite a high percent of gun owners (30 per 100 inhabitants) with an extremely low homicide rate (0.06 per 100k). It's the 6th most armed country with 12th lowest homicide rate. What's the difference? No fucking clue tbh but I wonder... Similar situation in Switzerland, similarly armed and minus the US it's considered quite high compared to the rest of the world (with easy access to semi and full auto guns) but a very low homicide rate. Hell, if you look at most of the highest armed countries, the top 10 is almost entirely developed countries that happen to also have significantly lower homicide rates. Is gang violence in the US the difference then? Mass shootings too? Honestly pretty surprised by this data
_DarkWingDuck t1_j905jty wrote
Problem with states strict gun laws have bordering states with lax laws. A federal needs to be implemented at some rate. Hard to argue against in my opinion.
kmckenzie256 t1_j9060rw wrote
How could you possibly know what North Korea’s homicide rate is
pausosaure t1_j906lyh wrote
Completely misleading. I take yemen as an exemple :it s civil war there, homicide rate eeported here correspond to 1000 death per year while actually it's at least 10x more.... The list in this data is mixed country in civil war or at peace, gun owned by armies or citizen or criminal gangs, homicide count with completely different statistics country to country...
-> bad source , bad message, not beautiful data
pausosaure t1_j906ww7 wrote
The graph is certainly correct, but the source data is à ridiculous aggregate, notably because the definition of intentional homicide widely varies from country to country.. see my other message for more details
Chillypill t1_j906xvf wrote
Weird way to display data. Why not just do a scatterplot with a trendline? Also a lot of countries missing.
pausosaure t1_j9073df wrote
I didn't know the name , thanks ! Clearly the case here for country in civil war versus country at peace ...
borkbubble t1_j908bhw wrote
It’s the big spike at the very end, he didn’t label it for whatever reason
borkbubble t1_j908sk9 wrote
It does not show that countries with more gun access have more mass violence
[deleted] t1_j90bild wrote
I think its because mental health in America is pretty terrible. If you notice on that web page that photo is from we have the highest suicide rate than any other country on that list (out of 70+ countries). Also highest reported crime rates and least solved crime rates as well from other studies
toyrobotics t1_j90qjdw wrote
That’s not correct according to the legend.
The red line is homicide rate.
The blue line is guns (per 100k people?)
toyrobotics t1_j90rg4t wrote
On the x-axis, the furthest left country names are Tunisia and Ghana. But the red line appears to show four data points in the same space. I believe this is because your chart configuration automatically omitted every other name due to overcrowding of the labels on the x-axis. If I’m right, that means you have unlabeled data points.
Also, you have sorted according to one value (gun count — per capita?). But a scatter plot seems like a better way to show the (purported?) lack of correlation.
Brittainicus t1_j90wrbl wrote
The Dwarf fortress comunity was right.
onlyfakeproblems t1_j913ecm wrote
Ya, like 50% are below average I would say.
minionsmimi t1_j92dbhe wrote
gun violence per 100k 2019 statistics
Even this site has many countries at 0 because of the fact that the amount of guns per deaths is literally at less than 1%. They do this by rounding the average and until it gets to a significant amount past 0% it still gets plotted as close to 0 as possible.
It makes sense and OP's graph is accurate. Learn to read a graph. I picked 1 line that went to 0 because it was the easiest way to show that while those countries did not actually have truly 0 guns per homicide rates it's just that the guns are less than a significant percentage to really make a visible difference on the graph.
smellytwoshoes t1_j92i9hq wrote
I see what you mean, but there are a couple “design taboos” here that would never fly if you do data visualization. The red dots are connected, which is a problem when you don’t label all the countries (I can see bends to zero in between, which suggests missing labels of countries. If the line was unconnected and became dots, we would have a scatter plot which would help us identify the issues in the x axis. The red line is hiding the x-axis missing countries, which was my point, not that a line can’t go to zero but that it did go down to zero so many times. Now a more speculative issue: if it keeps going to near 0, as a data analyst you would want to know about these instances (even if they were 1, or just under 1), since they might point to inconsistent data collection and data quality processes by each country.
blizzard36 OP t1_j8zqorq wrote
Data from wikipedia, after prompting from u/RobinVanPersi3.
I freely acknowledge the chart isn't pretty, it has been a long time since I spent much time in the MS Office suite and don't know any other tools. But this was the easiest way to get it done and up.