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Peelboy t1_j9d0v19 wrote

We have quite a few schools that are full immersion from 1st grade on. I feel like this is a snapshot from 2017 of those doing it at that moment.


w1n5t0nM1k3y t1_j9d2sld wrote

I'm pretty much of the opinion that you basically have to take immersion if you want a good grasp of a second language. Up here in Canada everyone takes French from kindergarten through grade 9, but a vast majority of English speakers don't have a good enough grasp of French to carry on a conversation. It's really only the students who opt to take French immersion that have a food grasp of the language.


moepsenstreusel t1_j9eci0x wrote

> I’m pretty much of the opinion that you basically have to take immersion if you want a good grasp of a second language.

Nah. But you do need to give a shit.

The difficulty in getting English-speakers to learn another language is that learning a language well is really hard, and they're all much less useful than English.