I wonder what else happened around 2020 that may have had some impact on this data?!
I can't remember anything major except the entire world being put into lockdown, but I'm sure that had no effect whatsoever on missing persons, suicide, and drug overdoses.
I have no dog in this politics fight but OP did use data for both suicides and life expectancy from prior to the pandemic. So your point doesn’t make sense.
… that’s the 2019 suicide rate and the 2018 life expectancy correlated with those election results. But yeah good call my point is the one that doesn’t make sense
... yeah, there is the thought that 2020 was unique (some 'causative' event) and that, therefore, the data is just 'coincidental" because the non-random, top/bottom Rep/Dem pattern would not be so noticeable
Mencken did a ranking of the states in 1930 using multiple data sources and multiple metrics and Politico did so in 2014 and there was an 2022 International Economic Review paper doing a 'well-ness' survey ––– all with similar results showing the pattern (05Jan2023 post).
Ninety years, different investigators, different (mostly) metics: same results ...
... go figure
I think you are right: "probably political" ... finding the metrics which would define "political" ... now there is a quest
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